14 | hangover

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I sunk myself further into my blanket as my body began to become more aware of my surroundings. I felt a bright light trying to break through my closed eyes and it caused me to lift the duvet over my head in hopes to block it out. But unfortunately the discomfort didn't end there as a pounding headache began to arise causing me to place my hand over my forehead. How did I get in such a state last night? I tried recalling the night's events but the last thing I could remember was running out on Mason. I knew how drunk I was then but I'm sure it wasn't to the point where I'd get this bad of a hangover. I groaned, the headache becoming too overbearing and I had to forced myself out of bed to go relieve it.  

My head felt like it was 50kg and I had to hold onto furniture and take slow steps to not put any more pressure on it. I eventually made it to the kitchen and scavenged through the cupboards, desperate to find something to relieve my head. Why did I even go to that stupid party last night? It did not do justice to my stress whatsoever, probably because he was always around me. Why did he feel the need to stick by my side! And even when he wasn't around, I was constantly scanning the room to look for him so I could try to avoid him.


Come over

I need to rant


Door's unlocked


I let out a heavy sigh as I lied down on my couch, covering my face with one of the cushions to block out the light shining from my large window. I kept my eyes closed for a moment to help speed up the effects of my tablets.

I stayed like that until I heard my front door open, "Nora! I bought coffee!" I heard Willow yell out. I winced, the loud noise not doing well with my headache. She walked into the open area of my apartment and saw the state I was in, "that bad huh?" She chuckled.

"Worse." I groaned, lifting my head up to be met with a huge grin plastered on Willow's face.

"Jesus. I knew you were going to drink but I didn't think you'd get this carried away. Last time I saw you like this was at Mike's party a few years ago," she moved my legs to the side to make room for herself to sit down and handed me my coffee.

I took a sip, "yeah, well blame it on Mason." I rolled my eyes, sitting up a little. "He was practically stuck by my hip all night so he could annoy me. It's like he knew how stressed I was and did everything he could to keep it that way!" I shook my head, still feeling a little bit of my headache.

"That seems a little delusional don't you think?"

"What? How? You should've seen him Willow. He was everywhere. It's like he put some tracking device on me or something."

"Well maybe it was for another reason.." Willow side eyed me as she took a sip of her coffee.

I furrowed my eyebrows and then scoffed when I realised what she was suggesting, "what other reason could there be? Perhaps he wanted to murder me?"

"That's not what I— never mind... are you sure it wasn't just some coincidence, Nora?" I've always appreciated Willow's need to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but it's starting to seem like no matter how much evidence I give of Mason, she was always going to try to convince me otherwise.

𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now