Part 2 Teaser

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A year has passed, Cecilia and Luisa's relationship has been slowly deteriorating as there has been a lack of trust since the Araceli situation towards Luisa and a lack of communication from Cecilia.

In Cecilia's Room

" Hermana, you can't stay in your room all day. The madrigals miss you. "  Marco said as it muffled through the door. Little did he know that his sister was sitting on her bed with a pounding headache.
She sobbed as her head flashed images on her beloved family. " Stop. Stop it. " She mumbled to herself as a tapping sound soon brought her back to reality.

" Ceci? " She heard a familiar face to see Isabella tapping on her window with a vine. " Dolores said you were talking to yourself, is everything okay? We are all worried about you, especially- "

" I'm fine. " The girl stated as she shut her curtains and laid down.

Authors Note : Heyyy, sorry for the hiatus but I'm back!! Thank you for #2 in Luisa Madrigal. I need some help with inspo for part two. If you would like my messages are open for ideas!

A bit of a teaser for part two ^

A bit of a teaser for part two ^

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