(Season 2) Prologue: To You, My Precious Person

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Sora stood in what look like a destroyed stadium with blood all over his body. He was holding his beloved sword Murasame and behind him stood to what it looks like students. He was panting heavily glaring at the person standing in front of him who had a smirk on his face.

???: Protect them while you still can! If you want to win against me, you should throw away everything other than your bloodlust. You're the same as your father— you try to fight while carrying excess weight on you. And yet, you're strong. That's what I can't stomach. Living like a walking contradiction... But that's precisely why you'll die unable to protect those close to you. I'll prove it to you—the foolishness of a human carrying around that kind of unnecessary weight.

The person standing in front of him had red hair. His facial features were refined, but his eyes were sharp, and there was some form of intensity behind him. Sora continue to glare at the person before raising his sword and pointed towards the man.

 Sora continue to glare at the person before raising his sword and pointed towards the man

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Sora: I won't let things go your way any longer. I won't let you take anything I hold dear. Never again...

No one's POV

Heiligh Kingdom. Was the kingdom that had summoned Sora and the rest of his classmate from earth to Tortus. Currently at the throne room, Ishtar was informing the King about why the Heroes returned were delayed.

Ishtar: Your Majesty, though the delays are quite regrettable, we are still relieved to hear that the Hero is on his way back

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Ishtar: Your Majesty, though the delays are quite regrettable, we are still relieved to hear that the Hero is on his way back.

Eliheid: Yes. I hear that the demons are becoming more active as well. We will be needing the Hero's powers soon.

Meanwhile, a small young blonde girl also the Princess of the kingdom named Liliana was rubbing her hand nervously. She was anxious of waiting and was worried for the Hero's safety. The time when the Hero's were training at the Kingdom, Liliana had gotten close with the students there.

 The time when the Hero's were training at the Kingdom, Liliana had gotten close with the students there

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