chapter 4- HYDRA

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The quinjet lands in the forest somewhere. It seems to be an old HYDRA base, and it looks familiar.

I land near the jet. Close enough to hear, but far enough not to be seen.

"Alright, all the people who can fly will head in from above, look for a back entrance. People who can't fly, try and get their attention and get as many people as you can outside and away from the building. I'll do a scan of the place," Tony says, then turns to the HYDRA base.

A few seconds later, he turns back to the team.

"Alright, there's a bunch of computers with files we could use. There's something about mental manipulation, but we need the files to know more. Flyers, let's go."

All the people who can fly shoot up, but the rest run into groups of roughly 3, spreading across the forest.

I turn invisible and start flying, hovering just above the ground to not make any noise.

HYDRA agents begin filing out in suits and guns. They begin attacking, so I find a group of agents and shoot a strong blast of energy at them.

Shooting boulders at them, I use a gust of wind, forcing them into the air before smashing them down against the ground.

I haven't done this in so long. It's like a forgotten memory.

I run to Steve's side, and when he throws his shield, I control it to hit all the enemies in the area, before returning it to him.

I help Wanda destroy a bunker, then run around to make sure no one is hit.

Once I do a quick check, I head to help the 3 Peters, but get blasted forwards, becoming visible.

I quickly turn around, the agent pointing their gun at me.

"No!" Peter runs forwards, but the guy shoots him.

"Peter!" I cry, shooting energy at the agent.

I force myself up and dash to Peter, holding him in my arms.

His suit is burnt at the stomach and parts of his skin is red.

"I'm sorry, Pete. I'm so sorry," I say, a tear escaping my eyes as I caress his cheek.

He shakily puts his hand to my cheek, smiling.

"It's okay. Honey, it's okay."

"Peter 1, Peter 2," I call, both quickly approaching. "Peter 3 down. I take to quinjet." I explain.

"Go, we got this," Peter 1 says, a hand on my shoulder.

I pick Peter up and fly to the quinjet, landing on 2 feet and walking in. I set him on the floor, but 2 agents walk in, guns in hand.

I cover Peter's ears before screaming, a sonic wave pushing the agents back.

I shut the door, then quickly turn to Peter, placing my hand on his stomach, making him groan.

A few seconds later, I pull back, his injury healed. I fix his suit, then help him stand, giving him the biggest hug I can.

"Darling, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay at the tower."

"Had to come. Had to protect you," I answer, placing a hand on his cheek and smiling. "Glad I did."

"I love you, Darling."

"I love you too, Baby."

I pull him down and peck his lips, but pull him down for longer, wrapping my arms comfortably around his neck. His arms join at my waist, pulling me closer.

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