Chapter 2

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Third Person Omniscient Point Of View

A year has passed since the incident that Ross has had with Annabeth. True to his word, ever since her, he has never dated again. He broke up with her with a simple text message.

"It's over."

After that, he deleted all contact he had with her and changed his number. Basically, only his family knew what happened.

As for social media, they were all left unanswered.

After that day, he closed himself to everything that was held close to him.

He stopped interacting. He stopped performing. He stopped believing.

There were so many rumors with this issue, countless.

Is Ross a spy?

Is Ross trying to make an outstanding comeback?

Is Ross dead?

Most of these were asked in the R5 interviews.

Yes, they kept the name. Ross told them to go on without him and replace him with Ryland. It was one of the most painful things he had to experience, but he knew that it was for the best.

It was for the best if he just continued to lay low.

Ross has been through too many harsh experiences that he even forgot what was it like to be happy. He still comes out of his room for the daily meals and such, but he always was quiet around the table.

It was unbearable for him to witness the typical challenges and trials his brothers/sister faced and not being able to say a word about it.

For example, Rydel and her sudden moodiness at the sight of Kelly and Ellington together, holding hands. She never admitted her feelings for him because she was always in denial, but Ross knew what was happening.

He may have gave up on true love for him, but he still believes that there are still those lucky few who will experience such.


Today was supposed to be a great day for R5. Today's their 5 year anniversary of being signed to Hollywood Records.

Exactly 5 years ago today, 15-year old Ross was hysterical and overjoyed.

Exactly 5 years ago today was the best day of Ross' entire life.

But back then, he didn't know about the consequences of being famous yet. He was just there for the enjoyment of sharing music with others and making them feel the addicting sensation that music just gave off.

To say that music was his saving grace is nothing more than an understatement.

Because back then, whenever he felt down, distasteful or filled with glee, he turned to music.

He couldn't deny it. Back then, he'd fallen in love with music.

It's just so tragic how recently, Ross felt differently of what he passionately believed in 5 years ago.

If back then, music was his muse, right now, it seems as if it's his worst enemy, now that it sided with money and fame, overwhelming the whole purpose of what true music was all about to him before.


There will be a celebration held because of this festivity, but it would different without Ross.

His family has been bugging him for the past few hours to go to the venue alongside with them.

Eventually, Ross gave in, but he had a condition.

It was to not be Ross.

At first, his family has no idea whatsoever Ross had meant, until he explained thoroughly to them what his plan was— it was to wear a disguise.

Given how this detailed explanation was the longest thing the Lynch family has heard from Ross in the past year, they were all astonished, at first to hear him speak that long.

After letting every single word Ross spoke to them sink in, they reluctantly agreed with Ross' request and helped him out with his outfit, knowing that this could be the first step to bringing back the old, carefree Ross.

But due to that, it meant that he would stay at the not so VIP part of the party. He wouldn't be able to 'communicate ' with his siblings/parents and hang out with them and such.

Ross frankly seemed surprisingly eager, finally having to know what it's like to live as a normal person to others without the need of being chased down, betrayed at, or used.

It was as if life was giving him another chance to start over.


Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry for the super short chapter. I feel like it's the shortest chapter I've ever written. It's sort of a filler-ish explanatory-ish chapter, just to smoothen out what the next chapter will be holding. I'll try to update ASAP, and thank you for all the amazingly sweet comments y'all left at chapter 1. You guys are the best banana waffles ever! Life is friggin complete ^

QOTC (I just need to know): No Place Like Home or Play My Song?

AOTC: No Place Like Home 🙌🏼

So, don't forget to vote and give your feedback on how this chapter was. I'm trying to figure out how the whole story will go so my update schedule might not exactly be fixed. xx!



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