~Part 7~

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I must've fallen asleep because when I was shaken awake, my bloodshot eyes stared up at the masked face of a doctor. Getting to my feet, I held my breath, awaiting the verdict.
"She'll be alright." I could've collapsed with relief.
"Can I see her?" I asked, tentatively.
"One moment, we need to collect some vitals first." Turning on his heel, I watched his white coat disappear past the swinging metal doors of the ICU.

After what felt like an eternity, a scrub clad nurse peeked her head out the door and nodded at me. My heart in my throat, I made my way down the hall to her room and stood outside for a moment, scared for what I might see. The memory of her lying broken and bloodied on the ground in front of my car kept replaying over and over in my mind. The emotions I'd felt in that moment came flooding back and tears began to blur my vision. Blinking them back, I took a deep breath and pushed open her door.

"Ryder?" Katya's quiet voice cut through the silence like a knife. I raised my head, looked into her honey coloured eyes and was undone. Sinking to my knees beside her bed, I buried my face in my arms and wept. A gentle hand touched my shoulder and I glanced up to see her eyes looking down upon me with such love.
"I don't know what I would've done if you died. I- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, study girl." My voice cracked at the mention of her nickname and I dissolved into tears once again.
"Come here." she whispered, patting the space beside her. Even though she seemed alright, I was still hesitant to touch her. Like if I did; she'd shatter.
"Hey, look at me." Katya leaned back into the pillows.
"I'm okay. I'm alive. I may have a few scrapes and bruises, but I'm okay. Her skeletal hand reached up to brush a strand of hair away from my face. As it came down, I took her hand in mine, twining our fingers together, all the while never looking away from her.
"Wh-what? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink.
"Because I thought I lost you. And ever since, then I realised I can't do this without you. After what happened, I was so scared. I shut myself away for years, away from people, away from the idea of love. You made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope. And I don't want to lose that again. So, please. Please for the love of all things holy, don't do that to me again. I know I was the one who hit you. But please, stick around." I'd began to grin halfway through my lecture to her and her smile was peeking from the corners of her mouth.
"I'm not going anywhere." She whispered. Nestling my head on her pillow, I curled up beside her.
"You're stuck with me now, study girl." I chuckled.
"No where else I'd rather be, my artist." I could've sworn my heart grew with each word she said. And side by side with eachother, we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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