Part 3: How I got here

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The women was young but older than me . About in her early 20s. She pulled out a cigarette. I couldn't help but stare at her beauty.
"What are you lookin at kid?" She said. "You want one?" She laughed.
She had a little western accent. It fit her looks. She was wearing a body fitting dress that stuck right onto her skin. It gave her an hour glass look. She had black heels on and had long blonde hair.
"No ma'am." I said.
"Oh, don't call me that. That makes me feel old. Here why don't you get yourself something to drink. You look dehydrated and it's about 90 degrees outside."
She gave me five dollars. I went inside and grabbed a big jug of water. When I got to the register I looked at the tv and my heart dropped.
It said:
16 year/old, Aniyah Lee, ran away from home. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and is 5'2. She has long brown silky hair, she has golden skin, green/hazel eyes, if you see her call the cops or either call the parents.
I grabbed the drink and walked as fast as I could outside. I went to the lady and gave her the change back. Then I walked away. She grabbed my hand before I could leave.
"Now here do you think your going? I paid for your water and this is how you repay me? I would at least like to have some company."
"Okay." I sat down next to her.
"You don't talk much. Where are your parents?"
I didn't bother to answer. I just kept silent.
"You don't wanna tell me, huh?" She glanced inside the gas station and saw the TV. "Your the missing kid on the news?"
"Yes." I answered.
"Well, what are you doing out in the open?"
"I don't know."
"I'm going down to Nevada if you wanna join along?"
"Can I?" I asked.
"Well of course! Come on."
I followed her to her car. She had a nice black mustang. I always dreamed of having a car like that. I hopped in the passenger side of her car. Since she had a convertible, the wind was blowing in all directions of my face. I was living my dream.
Later that night
We stopped at a hotel to get some rest. It was a really nice hotel. There was also a really nice pool and hot tub. We had to share a bed since the hotel with two beds were taken. I had a really nice sleep last night. Everything was so peaceful.
When I woke up I heard the TV playing. I look up and saw the lady in her swimsuit.
"Come one, kid. Get up! Let's get in the pool!" She said really excited.
"I don't have a swimsuit."
"Are you kidding me? You runaway but don't decide to bring a swimsuit? Come on"
She took me to a close by store. She let me pick out a swimsuit. I saw one but it was really expensive.
"So what?! Buy it. I'm trynna make you look as good as possible."
I put it in the cart and we shopped some more.
She let me buy shampoo and conditioner for my hair and let me buy more clothes. I couldn't stop smiling. She's like a mom that I've never had. When we got into the car my favorite song started playing on the radio. She started singing a long to it.
"Come on!!! Sing!" She said.
We both started singing really loudly. I couldn't stop laughing. To make it even better, it was golden hour.
When we got to the hotel, I put on my swim suit. We ran to the elevator and went to the top floor since the pool was on top of the roof. When we got to the top I ran to the pool and jumped in.
"Now hold on, kid. We still gotta put on sunscreen."
"Sunscreen are for pussies." I replied.
"Oh is it now? Well don't come crying to me when your skin starts burnin" she laughed.
We swam for a while. It was really fun. When it got darker we just sat by the edge and dipped our feet in the pool.
"So what's your name? By the way." I asked.
"Oh. (Laughs) Sorry. My name is Luhsette. Luhsette Boulver."
"That's a pretty name." I smiled.
"Yea it is. What's your name?"
"Aniyah Lee."
"That's a good name. So why did you run away from home?"
I told her everything. Like she was one of my best friends. She's the only person I've ever told about my household. I know I've only known her for 2 days. I'm glad I met her.
"Damn. Must've felt like shit." She said while lighting a cigarette. "I would've loved to have you as my kid."
"Thanks. Why don't you have kids?"
"Well because look at me. I'm too young and pretty. Plus, I can't have kids."
"Why?" I asked.
"Your asking way to much questions now. Come on. We have a long day tomorrow."
We got inside the hotel an I took a quick shower while she cleaned up for a bit. After I got out I put on my clothes and looked in the mirror to brush my hair. I noticed my scar of the side of my face was more visible then it was. I ran out the bathroom to grab my backpack.
"Hold on. Whats the big rush." Luhsette asked.
"I don't know." I couldn't find my back pack. "WHERES MY BACKPACK?" I screamed.
"Calm down, it's right here." She grabbed it. "Hey look at me. What's going on?" She grabbed my face with her hand and moved it so she can see my big scar.
"Oh my gosh. We need to fix this right now."
She grabbed a first aid kit that was a lot better than mine. And that was also newer. First she cleaned it.
"This is gonna need more then cleaning. It's gonna need stitching."
"No! No, no, no. Your not stitching my face"
After multiple back and forth arguments, she somehow convinced me. It turned out a lot better than I thought it would. When we went to bed, I could not stop thinking about how grateful I was to have met a person like her.

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