Part 8: I Dont Know

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We sat down in the chairs across from his friend. There was a lot of people.
"Quién esta? [whose this?]" asked his friend. While looking me up and down licking his lips.
I was confused. I didn't know Spanish at all. So basically I was just there. Not existing.
         "Es mi hermosa." He replied back.
          I only knew what that meant. Which means "my beautiful or darling" I don't know.
         "Aye." His friend said while dapping him up.                "Qué tal?" He said while looking at me. Since I didn't know any Spanish I just looked at Daniel, hoping he would help me understand.
        "Ella no hablar el español." Daniel said.
        "No sabo kid o qué?" He said.
        "Es no mexicano está el negro [she's not Mexican, she's black]
        "Ahhh." His friend said. "Where you from?"
        "Haiti." I said. "I'm also white, too." I replied.
        "Damn. You fine for real." He replied.
         I looked at Daniel, thinking he was gonna do something. But he started talking to someone else while drinking.
         "Thank you." I said.
          "Mhm. So what's your name?"
          "I'm Cuete." He said while winking. "How old are you?"
          "I'm sixteen."
          "Shittttt. Me too." He then looked at Daniel. "Aye. Daniel! How'd you pull a sixteen your old. Ain't you nineteen?"
          "Shut the fuck up." Daniel responded. "She's still mine." He said while grabbing my thigh.
           "Shit I might as well ave her for myself." He said while looking me up and down and licking his lips. When he looked back at my face he winked.
          "Ight imma head inside for a bit." Said Cuete.
           Cuete had a buzz cut like Rico and had a huge tattoo on his neck. He had really dark eyes and nice pink lips. His style was amazing, too. He had a large oversized purple T-shirt with really baggy and long shorts and knee-high socks. He also had a gold chain around his neck.
           Daniel still had his hand on my thigh. It was getting really cold, so I cuddle up close to him and put my head on his shoulder. He was speaking Spanish and so I was just alone in my thoughts. It was getting really dark and the darker it got the colder it got.
          "Can I get my blanket from the car?" I asked Daniel.
           "Yea." He gave my the car keys.
           I ran to the car to get my blanket. Daniel threw it in the back earlier. So I climbed to the back seat to grab my blanket and when I picked up my blanket, I was shocked. He had 5 guns, 2 unopened beer bottles, spray pant, a mask, bullets all in the back of his car. I looked through more because I was curious. Then I saw a hole pack of condoms, my bra, and a vibrator. I wanted to cry.
          I went back to Daniel and sat next to him like nothing happened. I wrapped my blank around me and layer my head on Daniels shoulder. He was smoking a cigarette so my head started to hurt really bad. After a while it became 12am. We were still outside. Daniel decided to put his hand under my blanket and hold my thigh again. Except he was getting closer and closer every time.
          "Uhm." I said stopping him. "I need to use the restroom."
          "Once you get inside and see the kitchen, the bathrooms on your right." Said the so-called "sad- eyez"
         I went the direction he told me to go in. The bathroom was closed, so I knocked. I didn't hear an answer so I just went in. The door was unlocked. When I went inside, I saw that it was a bedroom. I saw Cuete sitting on the end of the bed. I closed the door. But before I could he called my name.
         "Aniyah!" He said. "Come here."
         I went to him.
         "What?" I said.
          "Sit down."
          I sat down beside him. He just kept staring at me. I stared back. He was so fine. He leaned in for a kiss. I didn't stop him. I kissed him back. It got really good. I went on top of him and put my legs around him. A couple minutes later he flipped me around so he was on top. We were both laying down. He slowly took of my shirt. He slowly started moving down. First he was kissing my neck. Then he started kissing my chest. Then he moved down further. He started unbuttoning my pants. Then something bad happened.
           "ANIYAH!" Yelled Daniel. I quickly got up and pushed Cuete off of me. I put my shirt back on as fast as I could.
          Daniel pulled out a gun. He was aiming at Cuete.
          "PULL THE FUCKIN TRIGGER. I DARE YOU!" Screamed Cuete. I was in shock. I didn't know what to do.
          "I WILL."
          "look. Calm down, Daniel." Sad- Eyez said. "Just leave."
           Daniel put down his gun and put it back into his waistband.
          "Let's go, Aniyah. Now."
           I looked at Cuete and then walked out the bedroom door. Daniel followed behind me. I grabbed my blanket and started making my way to Daniels car. A couple minutes into the drive, he started speaking.
          "How is it that you let Cuete do lol this stuff to you, but not me."
           "Cause I wasn't forced." I said confidently.
            He jammed the breaks. Luckily, no one was behind us. He looked at me dead in the eyes. I looked back. I wasn't afraid anymore. He started driving. Except he started driving way too fast.
          "STOP, DANIEL. STOP. WHAT IS WRONG IWTH YOU?!" I screamed.
         "YOUR WHATS WRONG!" He screamed.
          I started crying. I didn't know if it was gonna be the end of my life or not. I felt Daniel staring at me in the corner of my eye. All I could do was ball out my eyes. He then started going slower.

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