26 - Evidence

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Aria's P.O.V.

If there's one thing that I hated doing the most, it was studying. It's barely 8 in the morning and I'm dragging myself to my korean language class which I didn't want to go to. Yea sure, I'm korean, but korean grammar is as boring and hard as English grammar. Someone please kill me!

I was caught by surprise when I felt someone firmly grab onto my arm. Suddenly, I was panicking because I wasn't serious about wanting to die. As they managed to pull me inside of a room, I tried to hit whoever had a hold on me so they would let me go and I could make a run for it. But then I stopped when I heard them.

"Ow! Can you please stop hitting me!"

Turning around quickly, I'm consumed in more panic. Min Yoongi was standing right in front of me with a cold stare on me. For a second, I had totally forgotten what it was like to breathe.

"I'm so sorry...I thought you were trying to kill me."

His stare intensified.

"Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" I took a couple steps towards him to make sure that he was okay but he just held his hand up signaling me to stop before I could take a step.

"I'm fine."

I'm dead. This was not how I imagined my first ever interaction with him at all.

"Anyways, you're one of Ally's friends, right? A..."

"Aria." Not going to lie, it hurt a bit that he didn't know my name after he was the one to start this conversation.

"Right. I've been trying to find you to talk about something important."

He was looking for me? The Min Yoongi from BTS was looking for me, Aria Rhodes, a mere trainee who he didn't even know about my existence nor name until now? Today is definitely off to a weird start.

"About what?"

After I asked, Yoongi headed to the entrance of the room and closed the door. This action of his made my curiosity grow more. It must be really important if he's making sure no one is listening to us.

"It's about last night when Ally went to the hospital."

Yoongi's P.O.V.

*Flashback to night of party*

The party had barely started and I already wanted to go home. I was in no mood to be nice or sweet talk to however many CEOs or presidents or whatever they were.

I was standing at the back of the room, in an area where no one could see me. It was actually my favorite spot to be at during these events as it allowed me to be part of the party without actually taking part.

Bringing my wine glass to my lips, I noticed that I had drunk all of it.

Crap. I stood there debating if I should just stay here or go get some more and risk getting pulled into a conversation with people I've never met before. I hated both options.

After a few minutes, I decided that I'd go get some more but I'd wait for the perfect moment where no one would see me, so that way I'd have a direct line to the bar and back without any problems.

As I watched carefully for a while, I finally found my opportunity. Just as I was getting ready to go, I stopped myself as I saw a girl out of nowhere stand near the bar. I start mentally cursing at her.

I kept looking at her in annoyance but the more I looked, I realized that she looked familiar. My brain started to work really hard to know where I've seen her before and it clicked. She was the girl who had locked Ally in the bathroom.

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