11. Flower Patch

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Akaashi waved to Bokuto, smiling. By now his bruises were gone and he was feeling much better. Bokuto had visited several times that week to help him. Now he was leaving as it was morning and Akaashi was turning to change out of his night clothes.

There was a knock on the door and he sighed. "Come in!"

A servant stepped in. "I was told to help you pick one of your finest outfits and take you to your father."

Akaashi stared. He nodded slowly. He opened the wardrobe and silently picked out an outfit before going to his father's room. "You asked for me?"

"I have someone for you to meet." He stepped to the side and Akaashi saw a man just an inch taller than him. His heart dropped to his knees. "This is Sotaru Mikan. His family specializes in wines and fruits of many kind and are very wealthy. He is the suitor I have chosen for you."

Akaashi stared at the man in front of him. He was skinny and had a full head of blonde hair along with the most god awful attempt at a beard he had ever seen.

"Be polite."

Akaashi looked at his father and then the blond man. "You can't be serious."

"Be respectful!"

Sotaru stepped forward and gently look Akaashi's hand before bowing and kissing his knuckles. "Pleased to meet you."

Akaashi smiled at him, just trying to be nice. "You as well."

Akaashi was led to the dining hall where his sisters and mother sat. The little ones stared at Satoru, confused.

Akaashi sat down and Satoru sat closer to his father. Akaashi glanced around, trying not to lose his head. He had the time of his life just a moment ago just laying in bed and talking with Bokuto and now he had to sit next to this ugly man.

His arm was touched and Akaashi flinched. He was going to have a panic attack if he didn't get out of here.

Amaya slid her hand into Akaashi's. She noticed him becoming steadily paler and gently rubbed his hand to try and get him to relax. Akaashi glanced over and Amaya noticed just how ill he looked.

"Father Akaashi is going to faint!"

Akaashi's father rolled his eyes. "He says that a lot. Just let him be."

Akaashi reached for the table to stabilize himself. He was so scared it had made his blood pressure drop too fast and he knew something was wrong. "Mama... mama help..."

"Keiji take a deep breath, it's going to be okay." She stood up and rounded the table. She held his head up and eased his chair out. "Easy Keiji, easy. It's going to be okay."

Akaashi tried to stand and instead collapsed. His mother barely held him up, her arms shaking under his weight. A servant hurried to help her lay Akaashi down and helped her get him awake again. When he did wake up he could barely even sit in his seat straight, cowering.

Usually he wasn't like this at all but for some reason he was terrified. There was something so utterly wrong and disgusting and it was making him anxious enough to be ill.

"Keiji, eat. It makes everything feel better."

Akaashi shook his head. "I don't feel good."

Satoru leaned over and lifted his chin. "Yeah?"

Akaashi burst into tears. "Leave me alone!"

Immediately Amaya stood. She grabbed her brother's arm and ran with him up the stairs. Akaashi sobbed into her shoulder as she held him in his room. "In and out. In and out."

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