Chapter 1

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"Yoona, this is your room." My mother said as she opened the door to my new room. The room was spacious and pretty. I could tell that all the furniture in the room was arranged to my liking. The walls were painted with a soothing light brown. I have always like woody interior, and really liked plants. My mother must have told the architect my preference since the furniture was all made of wood. I saw the bed and could not help but walk to it and sit down. My mother also sat down beside me and asked, "Yoona, do you like your new room?" " Mmm-hmm." I smiled shyly, as I fiddled with my fingers.

In my previous school, I was known to be an outcast. At first, many people wanted to be friends with me. But I wasn't really good in talking, and was a huge introvert. Still, some people talked to me. Then, I rejected a really wealthy [and fat and rich] boy in my class. He confessed in front of the whole school, so he got really embarrassed when I rejected him. He threatened me about my mother's job, so I had to leave the school. Right now, I am going to a new elementary school. This time, I'm planning to make at least one good friend. Ding Dong! Ding Dong! "I'll get the door. It's probably our new neighbours." She said before leaving.

Although I was curious about who the neighbours were, I was a little worried that I would messup. I summoned up my courage and opened the door. When I opened the door, I sawa boy dressed in sports attire, and he was wearing a cap. He looked like he hadjust finished exercising. "Hi! I'm Min-gyu." For some reason, when he saidthat, my heart fluttered. "I- I'm Yoo-Yoona." I mumbled.

I shut my eyes, worried that he would ask me to shut up and scold me. "Can I come in?" He asked instead. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked down on the floor. Slowly, I nodded, and he stepped into my room before shutting the door. "Wow!" He exclaimed. "The interior is so pretty. Especially the plants." He pointed to the hanging plants near my window. I smiled, thankful that there was someone in the world who shared my joy in simply staring at plants. "Here." He took out a plaster from his pocket, and turned to me.

"For what?" I whispered softly. "Your finger. There's a scratch." He pointed. I followed his finger's direction, and saw there that was a scratch on my index finger. This made me blush. "Plea-Please leave!" He looked reluctant, but left seeing how desperate I was. I shut the door, and looked at the floor to check if Min-gyu was still there. I heard a soft thud, and realized that Min-gyu was resting against my door, while sitting down on the ground.

I picked up my boaster from my bed, and sat down against the door too. I pressed my face against the boaster, and smiled to myself. Right now, the only thing between Min-gyu and I was that one flimsy door. If I opened the door right now, I will be able to see him. But... now is not the right time to open the door. If I open the door, we will not be able to stay friends. Slowly, my eyes closed and I fell asleep. When I woke up again, I checked if Min-gyu's shadow was still there. When it wasn't, I felt... disappointed.

I opened my palm, and saw that Min- gyu's plaster was still there. "Thank god, it was not a dream." I muttered under my breath. I checked my alarm clock, and realized that it was 6pm, when I usually had dinner. I went to the dining room, where my mother was. "Mom, who is Min-gyu?" I asked as I picked up my utensils. Saying Min- gyu's name sounds so... odd. Embarrassing too... "Min-gyu lives beside us and he goes to the same elementary school you'll soon attend." She explained.

"I-I see." After finishing my meal, I headed back to my room. When I closed the door, I jumped up and down repeatedly. I carefully arranged my school uniform so that I can look more presentable for Min-gyu. Wait. For Min-gyu? I blushed hard. Why do I want to look good in front of Min-gyu? At that, I was a girl who did not know much, so I had no idea that I liked him. However, the next day, I confirmed my feelings.

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