Part 14: Luhsette POV pt. 2

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           Rico left. He started driving towards Aniyah's way. After 7 minutes I heard Aniyah screaming for help. I started crying my eyes out.
          "FUCK!" I screamed. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."
          I heard a gunshot. I thought he killed Aniyah. I started bawling my eyes out. I started punching my steering wheel.
        I started driving towards my friends house to calm down. I recently got a portable phone, so Aniyah could call me whenever. It was about 10pm when I received a call. It was from The zSan Chucos house. I didn't answer it, scared it would be another threat. The phone rang about 6 times. I ignored them all.
Later that night, I arrived at my friends house and fell asleep.
Two weeks later
       I woke up really late this morning. Last night my mind was all over the place. I was mostly thinking about Aniyah. I've been waiting forever for her to call me. If she's called me, I'd know that she was alive.
      About 2 hours after I woke up I decided to call The San Chucos phone back, in case Aniyah was trying to call me. It kept ringing and no one was answering. I called about 3 times. On the third called, someone answered.
       "Hello?" I asked.
       "Hey, sweetheart." Answer Rico.
       I gasped. ""Can I please talk to Aniyah?"
      "No." He responded.
      "I just want to know if she's safe."
      "Look, sweetheart. All you need to know is that she's mine and shes gonna forever be mine. She's safe. I won't let my one hurt her. Which is exactly why I won't let her talk to you ever again. Or see you." Rio said in an angry tone.
        "HOW AM I GONNA HURT HER." I screamed.
        "Sweetheart. Luhsette. Your nothing but a prostitute. Your only here in this world to please men. I don't want Aniyah to turn out like you. That's it. Now don't call this phone ever again. And if I ever hear or see you talking to Aniyah, your dead."
       "Wha-" he hung up the phone before I could even say anything.
        I started balling my eyes out. I was so tired of feeling this way. I wanted to start new again. A couple weeks later, I packed my things and started heading North.
       I decided to stop by a hotel on the way there. It was ghetto. I didn't like it, but it was all I could afford. I used the last of my coins to call the San Chucos house on the telephone located in the hotel. I did it so they wouldn't recognize the number. I called but no one answered. Then I heard a voice behind me.
       "Luhsette?" Said the voice.
       "What." I said. I was so frustrated.
       "It's me-" I interrupted the voice.
       "Look I've met a lot of people so your- " then I turned around.
It was Aniyah. My heart sank to the ground and the air started getting thicker.
"ANIYAH!" I screamed
She told me to shush. But I didn't listen. I hugged her. Tears of joy started running down my face. I just couldn't believe it was Aniyah. My life all of a sudden got better.

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