13. Pure

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Amaya leaned over Akaashi as he slept, worried. Bokuto was awake and holding him tight, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Do you see a bruise or something?"

"No, no. He's just quiet. He whines a lot in his sleep."

Bokuto nodded. "He usually quiets down when I hold him."

Amaya chuckled softly. "Can you wake him up?"

Bokuto sat him up and Akaashi huffed loudly. "Stop..."

Bokuto laughed. "Good morning sunshine."

Akaashi opened his eyes. "It's morning?"

"It is. You've got to eat man."


"Hey, hey, hey! No complaining! You haven't ate in over a day and it's time you get something on your stomach!"

Akaashi pressed his palm against Bokuto's face. "You're loud."

Bokuto moved his hand down. "Whatever. Anyways. Amaya?"

Amaya hand him the bowl of soup and Akaashi perked up. He sat up on his own as much as he could and drank from the bowl silently. Bokuto put the bowl to the side and got up. Akaashi stared, confused.

"You need to get up too. Come on."

Akaashi got up carefully and held onto Bokuto. "My legs feel awful."

Bokuto sat on the floor and raised his pant leg. He saw the bruises and little cuts and sighed. Gently, he lowered the cloth. "These can heal on their own. Would you like to walk around?"


Bokuto stood and Akaashi looked back to Amaya. Amaya just smiled. "Go on."

Akaashi nodded. He followed Bokuto around the room and out to the hallway. He eyed the amount of guards around the hall. "What's going on?"

"They're making sure the suitor guy can't get in here."


Bokuto walked him up and down the hall and then back to bed where he found the queen. She was changing shoes and not at all in the mood to talk. Bokuto just sat with Akaashi and they watched in silence. She left and Akaashi huddled up to Bokuto. "Aw so snuggly."

"Shut up."

Bokuto kissed his cheek. "You're adorable."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

Akaashi rolled his eyes. He pulled Bokuto down and kissed him. "Do you have any stories?"



"You kissed me!"

"I did."

"Not fair. That wasn't romantic at all."

Akaashi smiled. "It's romantic enough... sick me in need of assistance and a big strong man holding me close."

Bokuto laughed. He kissed Akaashi and just squeezed him lightly. "You're so mean."


"Back to sleep?"

"Not quite yet." Akaashi's eyes lingered on Bokuto's lips. He smiled. "If I give you another kiss would you be okay with it?"

"Oh yes!"

Akaashi kissed Bokuto gently and smiled at the pull of Bokuto bringing him closer. Bokuto kissed him again and Akaashi rubbed the back of his head with his fingers, playing with his hair. "You are so precious."

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