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It's been 4 years since Nick got killed and the curse ended. Deena and Sam broke up what a waste i get up and get in my car and Head to work. Halfway to work my tires tremble I pull over and notices a nail got into it
Y/n:"Damn it" I said to myself I look around and noticed it was I'm the same spot my car broke down where met me at I called deena
Y/n:"My car broke down I need a lift to wor-" I hear leaves tremble
Y/n:"One second deena let me get into my car" I hop inside and lock my doors
Y/n:"What I was saying is that I need a ride to work"
Deena:"I'll be on my way" she arrives I get into her car when the radio turns on
"10 kids killed at a camp what is this phenomenon that's happening at camp nightwing"
Deena:"Jesus who would kill 10 kids with absolutely no reason" deena says
Y/n:"You seriously don't remember anything it could be the curse coming back"
Deena:"Oh my gosh y/n I get it you lost nick but that evil bastard literally stabbed you in the back and your starting to go a little insane we ended the curse nicks brother got impeached from being mayor and now they leave in the slums" I sigh
Y/n:"I'm just saying it could come back" we arrived at my job and deena walks me in
We hear the radio
"A milkman kills 25 women when he delivers milk to them suspect has never been found yet" shivers go down my spine
Deena:"Shit it may be happening again"  I groan
Y/n:"I thought this was over we lost Kate and Simon over this"
Deena:"I thought this was over to but I guess it's not"  I start working. I'm on break I grab a sandwich and eat outside when I hear the leaves moving again
Y/n:"Who's there" I yelled my phone goes off I look at the message
"Come in the woods and find out" I impulsively walk inside of the woods and see No one
Y/n:'"Nice joke prick" I said out loud I walk off when I felt a arm wrap around my neck
"It's me" I turn over and see Nick cleaned up
Y/n:"Nick I thought we killed you"
Nick?:"Looks like you didn't"
Y/n:""I'm hallucinating aren't I" I rub my eyes and opened them Nick was still there
Y/n:"I thought you died how could you survive"
Nick?:"Let's just say I wrote a name on the wall when I do that it practically makes me immortal I just have a whole bunch of stab wounds" he lifts his shirt up and I see them
Y/n:"What name did you write on the wall"
Nick?:"You can figure that out" I punch him he lands on thr ground
Y/n:"It better not be deena or Sam I mean if it was Sam I probably wouldn't care"
"Noted"  I slowly back away from him
Nick?:"Don't you miss me"
Y/n:"No especially after you stabbed me In my back"
Nick?:"Oh come on I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the se-"
"Y/n are you here" is that deena
"Go to hell" I told him and ran out of the woods
"What's going on"
"What were you doing In the woods"
"I had to pee and the bathroom was full"
"Oh anyways the curse is back somebody just got killed at the mall the same mall we met Nick at there's no way this could be happening again"
"Yea can't believe it"
"You sound so unconvinced"
"Sorry rough day can you take me home"
"Your still on break"
"Just take me home my boss wouldn't care anyways" we walk to her car
"Is Nick still alive or maybe his brother did it or something shits not right" I groan
"When can this ever be over with"
I got a text and read it
"It's never gonna be over with"  I roll my eyes.

We arrive at my house I walk inside quickly locking the door behind me and making sure all my windows and doors are locked so no one would break in. I sit down on my couch when my phone rings it was a unknown caller
"Miss me yet"
"Go to hell Nick I mean you literally stabbed me In my back and expect me to sleep with you"
"You forgot to lock the basement back door" fuck I forgot I had a backdoor In my basement I grab my baseball bat and lock myself inside of my room I should just dip out the back window I open it up and jump out of it and start running to deena house.
Halfway there I hear footsteps behind the same ones I heard running away from nick 4 years ago I get tackled to the ground. "What do you want from me","just go to sleep","why" he blows powder in my face I kick him and wipe it off my face "what the he-" I passed out

I wake up the next morning at a camp I get up  and see blood all over my clothes y/n:"what the hell" deena yells my name I get up and see her "come on before they catch you"
Y/n"What who and why am I covered in blood for" she puts me in her car and drives off
Deena:"Ok so I broke into Nick house last night and I found the name he wrote on the wall"
Y/n:"Ok who was it"
Deena:"Yours last night you went to camp nightwing and killed a whole bunch of camp employees"
Y/n:"What! How I didn't even see anything I was sleep the last person I saw alive was nick"
Deena:"Speaking of nick he has a twin brother that no one knew about he wanted to get revenge for his brother so he wrote your name on the wall since you were important to nick"
Y/n:"Why me why not you or Sam no offense" I yawned
"I'm tired"
Deena:"Yea because you've been up all night killing people that's how it works you sleep all day but get active at night" I groan and laid back In deena car and went to sleep

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