First work day

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Ban had reminded me that I now live in the tavern and that I had to put my work uniform on.

Y/N: "Meliodas can you hand me my work uniform?"

Meliodas: "Uniform?"

Y/N: "Yeah you know what I'm going to wear"

Meliodas: "Ohhhhhhh yeah"

He giggled and handed me the clothes. I wonder what I'm going to be doing cooking with Ban, maybe working as a bartender with Meliodas... WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. This is going to be so fucking embarrassing. I put the sleeveless pink top on along with its bow and short VERY SHORT skirt. I put the suffocating thigh highs along with one white and another black flat on my foot. I walk out swaying my hips to get some reaction from one of the customers, but instead I got groped by this little, short shit. "MELIODAS, I SWEAR TO GOD" he giggled and soon Ban came from out the kitchen to hand me some plates. Before he could hand me the plate, he ogled me looking me up and down. "Ban the plates." "O-oh yeah." Did Ban just stutter, whatever. I handed the customers the plate, one especially cute customer made me hypnotized when I saw the way that he looked at me. I went over to him handing his plate and he smacked my ass really loud that everyone from the tavern had turned to look at me. I turned to smirk at him still feeling eyes on me and dropped my pen, I bent down to pick it up clearly aware he could see my panties. I heard him scoot his chair and when I got up, I saw him crossing his legs hiding his friend. I giggled and swayed my hips away to the bar table seeing Ban and Meliodas sitting down and staring at me. I sat down next to them "So where is my room going to be" Meliodas chuckled "Actually Y/N you're going to have to sleep in Bans room until we can get some stuff in a new room" "Oh ok"

Later on, when the tavern closes

"So, who wants to party" I shouted with the liquor already in my hand "MEE" everyone shouted. We took so many drinks and started telling each other opinions on each other we would never say sober.

Meliodas: "Y/N what you did in the bar today was hot it almost turned me on"

Y/N: "Meliodas you're not that weird looking now that I look at you"

We all noticed Ban had been very quiet than usual

Y/N: "Ban you okay there"


Y/N: "Let me make it better for you"

I moved to Bans lap to kiss him on the lip. Everyone went quiet and expected him to move me or turn me down, instead he yanked my hair back for a kiss. We soon started making out and moaning lightly into the kiss. he stood up with me on his lap and took me to the tavern.

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