191: Vampire God (1)

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Chapter 191: Vampire God (1)

After entering the dungeon, Neji had a hard time because of the weird time flow between here and Earth that he was experiencing through his Bees.

However, once he started using «Overclock», he soon managed to regain his composure.

He then greeted the worried Mursha and Slaassee, who were on the floor, looking at him like horny dogs, clearly being affected by his Predator perk.

Sighing, he ordered them to get out as they were forced to leave, confused and disappointed, while Neji went to his work.

He took out the dead bodies of Izuku, Nine, Hisashi, All-for-One and Nawab.

Hisashi was the only one missing his head. The others looked quite fine, having received a Health Potion to heal all their bodily wounds.

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Erase their existence."

Neji answered Kurai as he crouched down beside the dead bodies.

He's been carrying dead bodies for a while now, and he didn't like the feeling. So, he was going to clear up most of his stock here.

Kurogiri, the Nomus, and lots of other villains that he killed before, their dead bodies remained on Earth as he believed their bodies wouldn't cause any problems. However, these five people were closely related to the WoW, which made him not leave their bodies there, and also made him reconsider if he wanted to destroy the bodies there.

That's why he was here, inside the Tower, his own domain, where he had no fear. Now, he could freely obliterate these weight bags.

Puffing out a small breath, Neji channelled lightning on two of his fingers and touched Nawab's head, watching as the lightning blitzed for a long second and vaporised the body of its previous user.

Then, in quick succession, Neji did the same with the other four bodies,  one after another.

His shoulders suddenly felt light, making him shrug.

Now, his inventory only held his and Momo's parents' dead bodies, who he didn't want to bury in a world that would soon be destroyed. He would rather bury them inside the Tower. After he would conquer this entire continent and take over the biggest residential region of this place, the "Great Empire", he would have quite some royal land to bury them in.

Oh, the Great Empire was also most certainly the place where the tower's Divine Being should be.

In fact, many of the current Empress' feats he heard from the Ogre and Mursha, seemed too strong for a mortal. If he were to bet, that's the person he would throw the money at.

"...So what do we do now?" As Neji jumped out of the basement, having erased his enemies' dead bodies, he heard Kurai ask. "Do we start hunting the Boss monsters immediately? Or do we take it slow? Perhaps letting mama and the... aunties fight the Bosses would boost their battle prowess?"

"No." Neji immediately rejected, as he walked downstairs to the throne room. "That's a waste of time."

"But- isn't it, like, better to give them a taste of actual real danger before they face the Gods?"

"That's if they face the Gods."


Neji didn't answer the cat's confused yelp and instead started to take out the bodies of his harem, his only family left.

"You think they'd be of any help against these Gods? They couldn't even fight against Nawab's little subordinate. They're too weak, and they don't have the luxury of our growth speed either."

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