Chapter 4 - Caught

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"Where were you?" Ella's sharp tone hit me as soon as I arrived at my apartment door.

"I was at amphshh," Millie mumbled, not wanting to tell her.

"Spit it out!"

"I was at a party."

Ella's face filled with rage as she stared at me in disgust, but then it suddenly turned soft and concerned. "You went to a party without my permission? There could have been bad people there. Who knows what could have happened? And I wouldn't be there to protect you. You shouldn't have even gone, I'm the only one you need, I'm the only one who truly cares about you. Do your little friends always worry about you when you're away?"

She snarled a bit when she said 'friends', as if she didn't trust them.

"I-I don't really know"

"Exactly. You don't even know them. But you know me. I'm always here for you, so forget about your so-called friends and let me look after you."

Millie felt a fuzzy feeling inside her as Ella pulled her into a hug. She was happy Ella wasn't in a bad mood, when she threw things and yelled. Finally calm that Ella hadn't lashed out, she unlocked her door and they stumbled inside, where Ella immediately grabbed her face and kissed her, pushing her against the wall.

Millie woke up with Ella's hand around her waist. Slowly, she lifted it off and walked toward her kitchen to get a drink. She felt guilty that she had just left her friends the night before, but she knew Ella would not be happy with that. A sense of dread fell over her that she wouldn't be able to do something like that in a while, not until Ella would let it go. She assumed Ella would be staying with her for a couple of days, referring to the suitcase she had brought in by the door. She set her glass on the counter and crawled back into her warm bed. 

Little did she know someone had witnessed what had happened the night before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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