Chapter One: Camp Half-Blood

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Ariel's P.O.V

Six years, one month, eight days. That's how long we've been running. We meaning Ariel and Asher Tide. Asher my annoyingly caring brother. The one who protected me. He had raven black hair that he gelled up and green eyes. Me, long black hair and the same green eyes. I wore jeans and a white hoodie, the same with Asher. We used to live on Long Island with our mom, Ashley Tide, famous surfer. We were told she got into a surfing accident, but we knew better. A cyclops killed her. We knew we had to leave or risk going to the orphanage. My brother told me we had to run, leave the life of luxury and surfing. Then, I didn't understand why we had to leave, but even at the young age of seven I could detect the urgency in my brother's voice. Later, I realized the real reason we had to leave, monsters killed our mom, we would've soon been next. A naiad , a water spirit told us to go to Long Island Sound. There we would find sanctuary. I knew about gods, monsters, demigods. My brother had told me when I was able to understand at the age of 9. I don't know why we listened to said naiad, but I was 12 and he was 13, gotta live a little, right?

As we ran up the hill I got the feeling we were close to our destination. Then we saw it, a ten foot cyclops, club in hand. Now, I said club, but it was more on the trunk side. The cyclops did a 180 and fixed it's one eye on us.

"Eat yummy demigods!" he roared.

It charged, swinging it's club/trunk. I was normally pretty quick and agile, but seeing the species that killed my mother scared me. The club smashed into me, sending my flying. I landed with a groan. I staggered up, trying to stand. Asher was already charging the cyclops. Before he could hit the cyclops with his dagger, a hellhound barreled into him. The hellhound didn't hit him too hard, so he was able to stand up quickly. I drew my dagger and charged him. He swung the club towards me. I jumped out of the way, rolled, and stabbed his leg. It felt good to kill a cyclops. He roared right up in my face.

"Wow, dude I have breath mints if you need"

He swung his club wildly, this was exactly what I wanted. I taunted him and caused him to be angry. Anger blinded people and made them do stupid things. I ducked and stabbed his heart. Seconds later he was a pile of powder. I looked towards Asher, he was limping and his movements were painful. I noticed a large gash on his stomach. His shirt was in tatters.

"Asher!" I screamed "Duck"

He ducked, the hellhound would have bit his face off if Asher had not ducked.

"Look, dude, I adore dogs, but seriously, the face? Would you like to answer to all the ladies?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

He threw his knife into the hellhound's heart. We watched it crumble into dust.

"No, I didn't think you did" he said.


As we staggered up the hill the pain from where I fell was more prominent. Suddenly a crowd of teens, all dressed in orange shirts piled in from the mossy arch. Their shouting was indiscernible to my ears. The last thing I heard was someone shouting for help. Then, it all went black.


I woke to see a girl sitting next to me on a chair. She had long brown hair and caramel eyes. She looked to be about my age.

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