Chapter 21: Footsteps of a Comrade-in-Arms

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I never realized how long some of the episode titles were until now. Also, I'm adding some extra backstory abt y/n's parents incase anyone skipped the beginning chapters. Anyways, Enjoy!


Y/n's Pov

We woke up early in the morning to get to the station on time. To be quite honest, I wasn't too excited to go back to central with the Elrics and Winry. There would be no way to avoid the fact that Hughes is dead, not to mention Winry visiting the Hughes' as well. I had to think of something quickly. Although, I think t her only viable option would have to be going home, they would eventually learn. (Dialogue time!! Ed is bold, Al is in Italics, winry is bold and in italics, y/n is the same)

"I've haven't been practicing for long but I think I almost perfected Mrs. Gracias' apple pie recipe. I hope he loves my apple pie as much as Gracias'"

"I'm sure he would've. Besides, I bet you're even slightly better but not saying so because I keep my own homemade recipes in my head. I've served Valentine a bunch so if you'd like to try a slightly less accurate version of my eccentric dishes, ask Valentine."

"Now that you mention it, you did have a pretty unique way of making pasta."

"Not meaning to brag but my biological father was a stay at home dad since my mom was always on business trips around Amestris. Might've picked up a thing or two now that I'm starting to remember more and more from my childhood."

"Not trying to be mean but what were your parents like?"

"They were extremely intelligent people. My mother was independent, self-sufficient, a genius, hardworking, and was going to work for the military before the train accident happened. My father, on the other hand, was a chef, caring, loving, and taught we everything I know. He frequently taught me how to cook dishes from Xing, Drachma, Creta, and Aerugo before the skirmishes. He was born to the western side of Amestris and my Mother was born to the Eastern side. They both met each other in central when my father bumped into my mother while she was running late to a date. Im not sure how but from
Then on, they became friends, and as they grew older got married and moved to Resembol. My mother still travelled to work by the train so I never saw her as often as I would've like to, but , there was always one thing that stuck out to me. I remember my mother saying how she frequently had dreams about my father before they'd ever met. Very vivid dreams."

"I remember you asking who Ling was about a month ago as well.."

"Well it's not like they're already having private chats or anything.. or are you Y/n?"

"Since she did you get so cheeky Al? Are you even the same person I knew a month ago??"

"Haha Im joking don't worry y/n."

"Uh Huh.. I don't believe you."

The train arrived at the train station. We got off the train and saw Lan Fan and Fu run in top of the train. They were extremely frantic. Yelling out 'Young Lord' every couple of seconds (Fu is underlined, and Lan Fan is underlined and Bolded)

"Lan Fan what's going on??"

"The Young Lord ran off again! What if he's collapsed somewhere by now??"

"My word, he does this as soon as I take my eyes off him!"

"Well goodluck with that. Y/n, Al and I are headed to the Marshall's office near Central Park, wanna come with?"

"I think I'll head home with Winry. We can meet up there once you're done"

"See ya!"

"We'll see you two later then!"

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