It begins

740 16 51

I'm sorry

Mark's POV:

In middle of the night I started to hear whimpering. Not a normal whimpering tho, it sounded like a dog.

I opened my eyes, trying to think who they could belong to. That was until I realized who it belonged to.

I bolted up from my sleeping bag yelling: "REX" probably waking everyone up by that. I ran around trying to find Rex.

I finally ran to Cesar's basement door. I saw the door closing and Rex on the floor. Below him I could see blood pooling up. His blood.

I slide down to him trying to find the source of the bleeding. I saw a huge deep wound on his side. It looked too deep to heal it since he had lost a lot of blood.

I hug Rex as he slowly stops whimpering and trying to move. I could hear everyone coming up to me behind. Cesar put his hand on my shoulder.

I put Rex down looking at my hoodie and hands. They were covering in his blood. My poor dogs blood. He didn't deserve to die.

I cry as I know that Rex is in a better place now. Away from this hell hole.

Adam's POV:

I look at the now dead corpse of the dog that had kept me guarded when I needed him. Rest In Peace Rex.

I look at the door. I just knew that the thing was behind it, waiting until we split just so it could kill us all one by one.

"We need to stick together, unless we wanna end up like Rex" I said trying to hold back tears as I said the last part. Everyone noodles and we all went back to the room we had been before.

We took our weapons. We were set to get revenge on that thing for what it did to Rex. We slowly got to the door that had lured me down.

Cesar was in the front so he was the one to open the door. He took a hold of the handle and slowly opened the door.

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