Moonrise and sunrise

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I'm about to make Lux give birth to Moonrise and Sunrise in the most painful way

Okay so ahem, these children name absolutely have me thousands of angsty videos but I choose the good way :D

So in bad ending, Lux is pregnant before marriage. Of course she have depression because she never plan to have children but Merciless 'comfort' her. Hope also comfort Lux and slap Merciless

So the day she about to give birth to the twins.. hehhehhheh HAHAHAHAHAH
But be grateful I didn't make them fully human but just humanoid monsters. So the way she give birth is like monster

So the time she was about give birth is like still early in the morning and sun haven't rise. Lux soul hurts so bad, Merciless woke up from his sleep and immediately teleport Lux to hospital.

Lux was in pain because the babies in her soul hurt her. The doctors do their best and also very scared because Merciless threaten to kill them. Lux give birth to the first child when the sun is rising but the second child still in Lux soul.

One of the doctor give Merciless the first child.  The second child come out when the moon is rising.

Lux was in hospital probably for a few months resting ✌... Then since the babies are balls of energy. Hope find 2 bodies that perfectly fit with the babies.


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