Will this last long

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Flashback ~

Jimmin's pov

I called y/n but she didn't pick up.
"Shit" i whispered under my breath. I saw tae smiling at me like i lose. Then i got an idea and messaged her.

Jimmin: ignoring me baby?😏
I wonder why?

Have we done something?

I am confused.

Okay. Don't answer me. But you would love to see something.

(Jimmin sent him a photo of her bra)

Y/n: what the fvck jimmin!!??

Jimmin: no baby. It's min.

Y/n: jimmin you dog!!

Jimmin: yes baby i am your handsome dog and you are my beautiful bitch😏 whom i fucked last night.

Y/n: stfu jimmin!! What you want

Jimmin: well, i want to call you here at your house.

Y/n: so ur with them?

Jimmin: maybe or maybe not

Y/n: i am not coming, tell them this clearly.

Jimmin: okay baby then i will give this beautiful bra to your brothers. And if they ask me how i have this then you explain them.

Y/n: you jimmin jerk!

Jimmin: so, i am again asking ARE YOU COMING?

Y/n: ooh do you think that you will show them a random bra and tell them that this is of your sister and they will trust it?

Jimmin: well, no but they will definitely trust the recording of the bar where first you kissed me and then we dragged eachother to the bedroom.

(After 1 min of thinking she answered)

Y/n: i am coming.

Jimmin: i am waiting.❤️

I put my phone in my pocket and smirked toward tae. I said "she is coming" he was stunned ha! obviously. He asked me then how i could do that, then i smirked "you really don't wanna know" then i went in th kitchen leaving confused tae.

Jimmin's pov end.

Y/n's POV

I am at the red light and reading the massages of me and jimmin. I knew this jerk will blackmail me with my clothes. I reached the house finding my family sitting there. Ofcourse except for my mom dad. They must be busy with their work. Huh!

Jinn: y-

Y/n: let me clear one thing i don't need any help.

Tae: litsen y/n we are sorry w-

Y/n: we are sorry whatever we did to you we regret now suddenly our love wake up and blah blah blah.
I am not interested. Good bye.
(She turned to leave but jimmin spoke.)

Jimmin: y/n. Stay and litsen them
(She stopped as she knows what will he do)

Jin: y/n i want you to give us one last chance. If we still fail to keep you trust then do whatever you want.

Jissoo: y/n please 🥺

Tae: please.

Y/n: no.

Jimmin: ig y/n and i want to talk. he dragged her to the kitchen.

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