Chapter 8: Confrontation

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Alaiya's POV:

Why would Roman lie to me about not answering my text or call when he's out late at night?

My mind has been on overdrive ever since we spoke this morning, and I don't know what to do. Should I confront him about it? Should I not make a big deal out of it? Am I being dramatic? Am I overthinking? I don't want to bring my past trust issues into my healthy relationship, but this situation is not helping.

I dropped Autumn off at school and got home to Dayton wanting breakfast which I made for him. Then I fed Aubrey and changed her diaper after bathing her, and right after, I had to go grocery shopping. Roman watched the kids while I was gone, and the entire car ride I contemplated what I should do. Roman texted that he was going to pick up Autumn, so I took a little bit of extra time at the grocery store, looking at random things so I didn't have to think about the elephant in the room.

No, this isn't the type of person I am anymore. I'm not going to just sit here while Roman is keeping something from me and pretend like it doesn't affect me. Yes, it may be a small thing to other people, but I know firsthand how small things can turn big.

I get home, gathering every confident bone I have in my body so I can actually talk to Roman about this like a mature person.

"Dad! I said I wanted the pink dress!" Autumn complains while holding up her Barbie whose in a peach-colored dress.

"What the hell is that then?" Roman asks, confused for his life.

"It's peach," she says in a duh voice.

"What's the fucking difference?"

I shut the door behind me while carrying in a few bags of groceries, and the minute Roman hears me come in, he stands up after telling Autumn that he'll be right back and takes the bags from my arms while giving me a "Welcome home" kiss.

"Mom, why did you marry someone who can't tell the difference between colors?" Autumn asks me with concern for Roman.

"He was the only one available." I lift a shoulder jokingly, making her smile.

A pinch lands on the side of my stomach and I ow as I look up at his glaring face, rubbing the spot with my hand. He kisses the top of my head though right after to apologize for pinching me. I cut the butterflies that come along with the kiss short because of what I have to talk to him about. I can't do it now though since the kids are around, so I wait until tonight when they'll be asleep.

Roman helps me put all the groceries away, and until the sun sets, we give all our attention to the kids. We watched a movie, played games, and then ended up going out for ice cream since it was a hot day today. I get a coffee flavor that Roman said he wouldn't eat, but has eaten every bite that I've held up to his mouth, Autumn gets strawberry, Dayton gets chocolate, and Aubrey plays with a spoon.

All of the kids are exhausted from today which is why I put them to sleep right when we got home. Even though I've been waiting for this moment, I've also been dreading it because I absolutely hate confrontations.

"Roman," I call as I walk to the basement to see if he's in his office.

I don't see him anywhere here so I walk back up the stairs, only to find him talking on the phone in the sunroom. Keep in mind, that we never go inside the sunroom unless we have a huge gathering or party. So why didn't he just take the phone call out in the open like he usually does? Why is he being so secretive all of a sudden with who he's on the phone with?

"...I have to go. I'll meet you there." He turns off the screen right when he sees me.

"Who was that?" I try to ask in the most casual way possible.

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