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Btw don't expect greatness from this story because this my first time writing in POV and I usually only write in third person/narrator. Also the personalities of the characters will be slightly changed. But, it'll probably be fine so ENJOY.

Milim POV:
"P-please spare me!"
"Tsk* So weak, guards take him away."
"Yes of course. You heard him soldiers! Take that criminal away!"
"Yes Lord Milim!"
They are all so pitiful and weak, when am I going to get an actual challenge. But, Rimuru told he that he would give me sweets if I did this for him so its all worth it!
"Lord Milim we have taken the prisoner to custody."
"Alright, then you guys finish up the work and everything! I'll be going back to Tempest before you guys!"
"Yes lord Milim we will report back when he have gotten information on why this criminal has committed crimes."
"Ok, byeee!"
Oh man, what a handful. But at least now, I can go and claim my reward from Rimuru! I hope he praises me!

At Tempest, Rimuru POV:
"Rimuru I'm back!"
Oh, Milim's back already and she also broke the entrance to my office well I guess this is a nice disruption from the monotone paperwork I was doing.
"How did the capturing and investigating the criminal go?"
"The capturing went great! I caught him and he was pleading for mercy!"
She saying that so happily.
"Milim we don't treat criminals that harshly! It's ok for today but, I'm still going to be removing your lunch for today and next time go a little easier on them just in case. Ok?"
"Come on milim don't be so sad just remember to go a little easier on them"
Hahh* Milim is looking at me like that again well might as well cheer her up anyways although I'm still removing her lunch for today.
"Cheer up Milim. You still did good."

Milim go smile wewewewweeeeee uwu
"Rumiriiiiiii da vAllage as undEr atTakKkk uwu"
Rumuru go halp da vallage. Omg! Hamuns go weweewewwee bam bam and monster in da vallage go ahahahahahha i hab ban hat uwu
Rimire go bam bam bam to da hamans and hamnas ga ahahhahahah we be da dying our hair rad omg owo
"Why sky fil wath goles and cloud holes
Back to original story:

"Yes you did a great job."
"Does that mean I get to have lunch back?"
She's such a handful. Ow well I'll just send her off to Veldora?...No. I think I'll just let hee go to Ramiras after all Ramiras is all grown up now.
"Uh huh!"
"You're going to be going to Ramiras right now ok?"
"Ok! Bye bye!"

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