part 3: talking about Annie

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{Jason's POV}
I Waited for Zac for hours in the hallway and he's still not here until finally, he's here "finally your here Zac" I said "sorry I'm late" he replied, "what took you so long?" I said " and I heard you're touring a new student," I said "knew it" Luca replied "hey!" Zac shouted

"but I heard something bad happened on the main campus," Ezra said, "can you tell us what happened?" I replied after Zac explained what happened

we're shocked at what happened
"What!?" Ezra shouted, "that happened!?" Luca yelled "yeah I mean she's was burning like a vampire or something else," Zac said "well this type of academy is for descendants of legendary monsters and mythical creatures" Ezra stated, "yes maybe she's a vampire?" I said

"but that's impossible there's a lot of vampire academies in the world" Lucas stated " maybe she's a transfer

student here" I said "but what's her name?" Erza asked "her name is Annie"
Zac answered "oh I see," Lucas said I heard

Zac's phone rang "who was that?" I said "it's jade," Zac said, "hey.. jade?" Zac said "zac Annie's missing!" Jade shouted on the phone "what happened!?" Zac yelled

" She was in our dorm a few minutes later she's gone!" Jade yelled, "pls find her!" Jane shouted "Don't worry I'll find her" Zac said?  "thanks Zac" Jane said on the phone

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