chapter 9

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Dr Flug POV

Tonight I was busy trying to open the file , it's not any ordinary file it's a file that contains information about the person Dakota absorb. It might be useful to know about it since it seems way heavily secured for some reason. After hours of trying I finally got it now time to see what it says

Name: unknown but they call themselves Dakota (which I am pretty sure isn't their real name)

Hero name: Player (but they go by different hero name sometimes)

Spices: human

Information: found as an orphan and raised in a rich family and when they got older they joined the heros association.

Powers information: it's uncertain what kind of powers they have considering nobody saw them using any inhuman powers or something other than pulling random things from their pocket at certain times. There is also a theory that they can influence people through by their voice well I can't blame them since player's is a very good singer and I am sure that's just their normal talent

Problem: they don't attack hero's or villains at sight unless they have a very good reason for it . It's abit annoying that despite being a hero they choose to stay neutral but we can't do anything about it since they have gold heart's approval . I suppose it's not that bad

Weakness: they can't think well in pressure and they don't have much physical strength on their arms .... maybe they should do some weight lifting

Threat level: not gonna lie they might be almost as strong as Black hat. Considering their ability doesn't really have a drawback as far as we can tell . If that's the case then ...they could be a very useful ally or our worst enemy

I slowly tried to process what I just read. It seems like whoever Dakota absorb is a really powerful person. I am not sure if I should be relieved or scared....or maybe both . Well I am not sure if I will feel safe around Dakota after this .

Dakota POV

I noticed something odd about Flug . For some reason he seems to be nervous around me and I don't know why .

Dakota: are you ok Flug ?

Dr Flug: yes.... I am.... fine

Dakota: geez what did I do when I get possessed by the flower

Dr Flug: nothing dangerous really

Dakota: then why are stuttering like whenever you're talking to Black hat

Dr Flug: it's.... nothing I ..I just didn't have much sleep that's all

Dakota: oh then let me bring you some coffee then I will come back and help you clean

Dr Flug: thanks

Dr Flug POV

I started to clean things with 505 but honestly I felt bad for lieing to them . I will tell them later . Then I found a box of unpleasant things and throws it in the incina- bot

505: (show a picture)

Dr Flug: oh this is an old picture of my time in the villain academy .

505: and what's this ? (Shows a book)

Dr Flug: oh that's my thesis on altering human emotions but one of them got stolen . It is how I made this flower .

Then my limbs start to disappear one by one and I appear Infront of Black hat and a mere villain

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