22. Intuition

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Chapter 22: Intuition

You try your hardest to leave the past alone
This crooked posture is all you've ever known
— Heirloom, Sleeping at Last

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚


"We broke up," said Daphne simply, feeling an unmistakable pang in her chest.

Mrs Kelley scribbled something down in her notepad. "How come?"

"We just weren't compatible."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

September 5th, 1984: Hawkins High, Cafeteria

It was the third day back at school and Daphne was headed for the cafeteria. After grabbing a chicken salad sandwich and an apple, she took her place at her usual table with Meera, Tina, Heather and Chrissy. It wasn't surprising to Daphne that the hot topic in the cafeteria that day was the new guy — Billy Hargrove.

"I heard he came from Cali," Meera was saying. "That explains why he has, like, such a good tan."

"Never mind the tan," gushed Chrissy. "Have you seen his arms? He took his jacket off in second period and my jaw almost hit my desk!"

"He's got that whole mysterious, brooding bad boy thing going on," said Heather. "It's kinda turning me on."

While Chrissy shrieked and slapped Heather in indignation, Tina turned to Daphne. "You don't seem excited, Daphne. Don't you want a piece of that?"

"She's still hung up on Steve," sighed Meera, before Daphne could even open her mouth. "I keep telling her that dating someone new would be a good opportunity to, like, move on and get over him, but she's so stubborn."

"I thought you dumped Steve?" inquired Chrissy, cocking her head. "Why would you do that if you still liked him?"

"I don't still like him," replied Daphne, averting her eyes. "I mean, yeah, I care about him, but I lost feelings for a reason. And right now I'm not interested in dating anyone. I just want to focus on school and cheerleading."

"Boring," replied Heather. "Anyway, if you ask me, the new guy is totally into you."

"Why do you say that?" asked Daphne.

"Because he's been staring right at you for the past five minutes."

Daphne twisted her head around, making eye contact with Billy from across the cafeteria. He held her gaze for a moment, before winking and turning back to his sandwich. Daphne bit her lip and turned back to the others.

"I don't know. He's not really my type."

"Hot and ripped isn't your type?" scoffed Tina. "Well if you don't want him, send him my way."

"He's single as well," Meera butted in. "I asked him earlier when I was showing him to the office. And he asked about you!"

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