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Hey guy the next chapter of this story is going to take some time to get done. Because of a lot of things right now. But here something for you

Here what Harmony looks like

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Here what Harmony looks like. She has Eda hair color. Harmony skin is a little lighter then Raine but still close to their. She use to play grudge but quit to let new people play and to spend time studying her bard magic.

Echo is her palisman it's a owlbat. Harmony found them with the Bat Queen. Echo had a broken wing when they meet. The Bay Queen made Harmony do tasks her. She got Echo in the end. Echo has been a great palisman to Harmony for a while now.

I will post a another one showing her school uniform and grom outfit too and some grom photos/pictures too. The next chapter is call The Sister the Aunt. This is where Luz meets Lilith is episode 5 of season 1.

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