27. max mayfield's bitchin music taste

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"IT'S OKAY, IT'S OKAY, I can do this!" Ben was repeatedly muttering over and over to himself in an anxious state, stepping from one foot to the other while Ringo was laid down on her back across a cleared table in the Wheeler basement. "It's just gonna take two seconds and it'll all be over!"

"You do realise it's my arm that's getting put back into place?" Ringo deadpanned, raising an eyebrow at the panicked teenager.

After a fair amount of hugs and crying, the adrenaline wore off and Ringo was starting to feel the full pain of her dislocated arm. It was then that Ben had revealed he had extensive first aid training from his brother Donny, who was a medic in the army and a little paranoid that his little brother would find himself in a situation where he needed medical assistance without having access to a hospital. Seeing as Vecna could strike again at any moment, against Ringo or Max, going to the hospital was out of the question.

"Are you sure you can do this, man?" Steve demanded, having been stood on the other side of the table holding Ringo's hand in an iron grip. He hadn't let go of her since she returned to them, and didn't plan to any time soon.

"Why? Do you think I can't do this?" Ben froze, horror filling his features.

"Okay, come on!" Nancy interjected, throwing a glare in Steve's direction. "You can do this, okay? It's just one quick motion. What's the worst that can happen?"

"He could re-break my arm?" Ringo offered, receiving a glare of her own.

Robin had finally reappeared after racing upstairs to find something she claimed would help the situation. The blonde on the table beamed brilliantly at the sight of a bottle of liquor poised in her hands.

"Oh you beautiful bastard," Ringo sighed dreamily as Robin uncapped the whiskey and held the tip of the bottle to Ringo's lips, allowing her to sip without having to move her dislocated arm or let go of Steve's hand.

"I figured you're gonna need this for the pain," Robin shrugged before promptly turning to Ben. "And you're gonna need this for the courage."

Ben had never drank before in his life, the group knew this well. He had never even been tempted to take a drink, his fear of the law and his parents finding out overriding the desire to get drunk. But after having witnessed his best friend floating mid-air by an unseen force, and now having to shove said friend's arm back in her socket, he figured it couldn't hurt. Taking a quick swig and screwing his face up in distaste thereafter, he took a deep breath before positioning himself next to Ringo's arm.

"Okay, are you ready?" He asked, receiving a tentative nod in response as the blonde gripped Steve's hand even harsher. Steve used his free hand to comfortingly run his fingers through her hair.

Ben began with Ringo's hand by her side, gently wrapping his fingers around her wrist and slowly moving her arm in short circular movements as he raised her arm towards her head, until it was level with her shoulder at a 90 degree angle. Ringo was suddenly wishing she had drank more of Ted Wheeler's stolen whiskey as her eyes watered with the pain, desperately biting the inside of her cheeks to stop from crying out. She had put the group through enough that day, and didn't want them to see how much pain she was in once more.

Once Ringo's arm was level was her shoulder, Ben began to rotate it while raising it again higher and pushing on her bicep to coax the joint back into place with a resounding click. The entire room flinched at the motion while Ringo simply let out a soft whimper as Ben immediately bent her arm at the elbow to rest her forearm over her stomach, getting to work on a makeshift sling that would keep her arm in place and stop it from slipping out again for the foreseeable future.

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