don't fuck up Plan A

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Wassau dudes? Just wanted to let ya know, there will be sewerslide mentions in this chapter. Same as last chapter, I will warn you. Also, y'all should listen to Angel by the Wings by Sia. Yeah that's all I have. Okay, thanks

Antonio pushed through the crowd towards me

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Antonio pushed through the crowd towards me. When he reached me, he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. He pulled me to his car. Antonio opened the door and forced me inside. He slammed the door shut and looked at me through the window.

He ran his hands over his face and through his hair.

He walked over to the drivers seat and got in. We sat in silence for a minute.

"What were you thinking?" Antonio said quietly, but I could hear him, clear as day.

"I don-" I started before Antonio cut me off.


"That was a rhetorical question, Marlowe. Here's how the next couple minutes are going to go. I am going to talk and you are going to listen. No speaking. I know that will be hard for you." Antonio spoke, his sharp words cutting through the air like a knife. He turned and looked at me, his eyes burning into mine.

I nodded.

"Good." He took a breath before starting. "I never want to see or hear that you went to that ring again. It's too dangerous. I'm not saying that just because you're a girl. Trust me. We know what you're capable of. But if those guys in there start talking to the wrong person about how some girl that no one has ever seen before showed up, Sebastián is going to start looking here. He probably already has suspicions, and rumors about a girl fitting your description in New York would confirm those. I know you're only 15. I know that you just want to be a kid and that you have a rebellious streak in you. Trust me, I did too. Hell, I still do. But you can't be dumb. You have to play it safe."

I stared ahead at the street as he lectured me.

"I have a question for you. How were you planning to fight with your ribs? Fighting would only make it worse." He asked.

"I was just going to watch. So I knew what I was up against when my ribs got better." I explained.

"Ok. One last question. If you answer it, I won't tell Alessio."


Blackmail at it's finest.

But there is a slight flaw in his plan.

"But you can't tell Alessio that I was here. Because then he would know that you were here. So, you have to stay silent unless you want to sacrifice yourself and get both of us in trouble." I said smartly.

Ha. I win.

He glared at me and continued on what he was saying, as if I didn't even speak.

"Why? Why do you fight? Do you do it to relieve stress? Because if you do, we have a gym in the house. I'll show you where it is and the quietest way to get there so that everyone else doesn't here you. Believe me when I tell you, I've been sneaking down there in the middle of the night since I was 11. Why do you do it?" He questioned me, obviously silently begging the answer to be that I only did it because I was a teen filled with angst.

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