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The crash landing is what hurt the most. 

Not the fact that the world had nearly exploded, almost taking me and the rest of the academy with it. As it is, they could all burn and I wouldn't care. 

Five's face flickers across my brain and a tiny inch of regret slithers in. Perhaps I would care about him. Maybe just a bit. However much I care, the stab of betrayal still winds through my spine.

I wish I could forget that he sold me out, even if it was for the world. 

But I don't think that's the kind of thing you get over after one day. 

The streets are lacking in people. 

The first thing I observe is how quiet is. It's nighttime. The sky is overcast and the stars are coming out. The moon glimmers in the distance, casting a reflection across the puddles on the ground. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice says softly from behind me. 

I whirl around, half expecting to see Five. It's a different boy. He looks about my age, or physical age at least. 

He looks like Five. Except for his eyes, which are a deep blue. And he's wearing glasses. Thick rimmed black glasses that don't do anything for his face. Sharp jawline and cheekbones, but he's an inch shorter than Five. Dark hair—framed like Five's but it's a plainer style. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," the boy says, taking a step back. He looks me up and down once, not because I'm worth looking at, but because I must look like a wreck. 

I find myself not driven to kill him. 

"I'm Aidan," the boy says, taking a step towards one of the dustbins. There are two in this alleyway. But no sign of my siblings. 

"I'm—" I shake my head slightly. I can't just go around sharing my identity with random strangers. Even if they're mildly attractive. "Need to go." 

"Needtogo?" He raises his eyebrows. "That's a weird name." 

"That's not my name," I say. "I have to go." 

Aidan nods slowly, hands in his pockets. "Dashing off so quickly?" He smiles. "That's what I'll call you. Dash." 

I don't need a nickname, and I don't need a new pet. 

I need my siblings and I need to find Five. 

I start walking. 

"Aidan—" I turn back around, to find him still there. 


"What's the date today?" 

Aidan tips his head to the side. 

"It's November....3rd. 1963." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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