the first meet

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Urarka : auuuu it's my turn on the swing

Random kid : no the swing is mine ugly

??? : *pulls him*

Random kid:HEY LET ME GO

??? :hey the swing dose not belong to u everyone can use it so let her swing

Random kid: tch whatever

???: good* leaves him*

Random kid: *falls down * UGH

Urarka: oh thank u I am Ochako urarka and u are

???: I am mina ashido

Urarka : ok thankyou for that mina , wanna play together

Mina : sure!!

Urarka : yay

Techer: class pt (play time ) is over everyone back in please, it's time for lunch

Mina and urarka: awww so soon

*Everyone starts going back to the class room*

Mina : urarka do u wanna eat lunch with me ?

Urarka : ah o, sure * smiles widely *
*wakes up * huh

Word count :127

Sorry for such short chapter

Thanks for reading :)

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