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Cassandra was trying her best not to check herself at every passing shop window. She couldn't help it though.
She wasn't a narcissist though, she rather felt insecure. Unsure whether her choice of outfit was fitting or too much or too little for going to the cinema with a friend - she assumed they were friends by now. At least she was pretty certain her and Taehyung were friends. Or so she hoped.
Still, he might see it differently.
Whatever their relationship status was in the end, what concerned her more was her outfit right now. She wore a skirt - something she hadn't done after getting pregnant. Because of numerous reasons. But now that she was back to her prior weight and the weather being warm enough, she decided to go for it. Now feeling extremely insecure about it though.

She let out a small groan in frustration. It was too late to go back and change anyway. She could already spot the cinema further away. At least she had chosen her sneakers, making it more casual again, she thought when seeing Taehyung's tall frame in front of the entrance door. He was looking down on his phone, not having noticed her. And she approached him with a small smile. It growing wider when seeing his head rise. A smile spreading over his features as well. And just like that she forgot about her insecurities.

"Hey," he slid his phone in the backpocket of his cloth pants. His fingers tousling his brown waves a little as he greeted her with a bright smile. And for a moment, she forgot how to breath.
"S-sorry, I'm a bit late." An apologetic sigh left her lips. Quickly shaking herself out of the little trance his appearance had put her. It was only ten minutes after the appointed time, but she still felt bad for making him wait there. Especially since she had been the one wanting to see this film. "Izzy's got a light coughing, so me and mum were trying to calm it." She laughed lightly along her explanation to cover her worry, although she knew a slight cough wasn't anything worrisome. And Taehyung could tell by the glimpse of distress in her eyes.
"It's alright, don't worry," he assured her with his warm voice. "Hope she'll be alright."
She nodded, unconsciously chewing on her lip as she followed him inside the building. Making her way to the foyer when Taehyung stopped in his tracks, confused watching her head to the stairs. "Shouldn't we buy tickets first?"
"I already booked them online," she explained with a wink and started rummaging in her shoulder bag, "I always do that to choose the best seats." She seemed indeed dedicated when it came to watching films. He appreciated that. Although he insisted in buying the drinks and popcorn at least. His pride not able to allow her paying everything that night. And she couldn't deny liking this gesture a lot.

After getting provided with coke zero's and salty popcorn, they made their way to the designated screening room. Being surprised of how many other people had decided to share their plan for tonight.
Their seats were exactly in the middle, allowing them to have a perfect view on the screen. The perks of booking online.
As they were waiting for the advertisements to start, he noticed Cassandra glancing at him with knitted brows. An amused giggle leaving her pursed lips. He frowned for a moment, chuckling insecurely. "W-what's so funny?" He pointed at himself. "Is anything on my face?"
Cassandra shook her head though, waving him off. "N-no, it's just.." She giggled and pulled out her phone, scrolling a bit before holding it up to him. Showing him a photo of her and an elderly man. "You wear almost the exact same outfit as my grandpa on his birthday." His brown eyes went round and he broke into a loud laugh. "Your grandpa has quite the taste," he eventually grinned smugly. Making her laugh under her breath.
"He does. And you remind me a litte of him," she smiled then, sliding the phone back into her bag.
"Oh? How so?"
"First of all the brows," she said, pointing at his face, "You both have prominent brows. Well, his are thicker, but you get it. And you both have a very serious and intense, almost intimidating stare on your face when not smiling."
"Oh, so I look intimidating?" he inquired in a fake offended tone.
"Just a little. When you've got a straight face. Just like him."
He had noticed her affectionate tone and the way her eyes lit up at the mention of her grandfather. "You love your grandpa a lot, don't you?" he smiled then, seeing her nod without thinking twice. "He's one of my most favourite people."
"And I remind you of him?"
Her eyes widened, only now realising how that must have sounded. Still, it was the truth. She hadn't intended anything, no hidden meaning. They simply had some similar traits she had noticed. That was all.
"Yeah, a little," she plainly shrugged. The lights becoming dimmer. Indicating the film would start soon.

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