Crystal Mountain

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Arabella's P.O.V

I was losing hope. I was giving up. No one had come. It had been two weeks and no one had come, no one.

"I hate this place." I said to no one in particular. Maybe I was going mad. I was confiding in the walls and seeking comfort from the small terrier dog that belonged to Cole. He was lying on my bed, snoring softy. His name was Rusty.

I refused to speak to Logan or Cole. I never answered their questions and I smiled when I saw I was agitating them. I felt lonely though, so lonely that I craved all the people who had lied to me. I thought about Ms Eloise and her beautiful green eyes and her annoying elegance. I miss that now. I thought about Nick and his stupid chat up lines, Hunter and his perfect knife throwing, Abigail and her fiery locks, Ethan and his green eyes and how they changed black one day, Shelby and her infuriating bouncing and Ash. My heart ached. I missed him. I was so mad at them for lying to me but now I just wanted my family back.

Tears streaked down my face and landed on Rusty's furry head. He stirred a little but didn't wake. I wiped furiously at my eyes and face, I never cried, this wasn't me. I needed to be strong.

"Arabella?" Logan pushed open the wooden door to my bedroom. He smiled at me but it faded once he took in my red puffy eyes.

"Leave me alone." My voice sounded funny.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, moving slightly closer to me.

"Why?" I asked loudly. "I don't want to be here, I don't want to be with you. I never want to see you again, get out!" I stood up from my bed, alerting Rusty who also jumped off the bed, and pushed Logan towards the door. Rusty started barking when Logan suddenly shut the door abruptly-trapping himself inside with me-and pushed me against it.

"Get off me now." I hissed. To my surprise Logan actually looked pained.

"I'm sorry you're stuck here Arabella. I'm sorry you're stuck here with me. But can't you see this life is so much better for you? You could be powerful, you'll have a father who's proud of you, and a proper family. One that doesn't lie to you."

I was so tired and everything he said sounded almost perfect. When Logan said all those things, they sounded better, like I should stop fighting against him and join him.

"I'm so tired of fighting." I whispered.

Logan's hold on my arms loosened. He raised his left hand and stroked my cheek softly. "Don't fight who you truly are."

I looked up into his blue eyes, they seemed so truthful and trustworthy. But that was my heart playing tricks on me.

"I don't know who I am anymore Logan, that's the problem."

"You're Arabella Mortem. Don't let me or Cole or anyone change that. I will love you no matter who you are, good or bad."

His words made my heart flutter and my mind whirl. With a sudden rush of emotion, I pushed myself off my bedroom door and kissed him. He froze in shock for a few moments but then he was kissing me back, his strong arms circling my waist as he pulled me against him, while my hands were pushing him back towards the Queen sized bed a few inches away from us. We both fell back on the bed, me on top of him, straddling his hips. His kisses sent waves of energy through me and I was wide awake and I wanted more. Logan rolled over so he was leaning over me now, his body touching every part of my own, his lips never leaving mine. I pulled his sweater over his head revealing the strong, defined body I guessed was underneath. My hands traced the exposed skin and Logan gasped against my lips. Having him so close to me was making my whole body tingle with passion, the hole in my heart didn't seem so big when Logan's heart was pressed against mine.

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