XXXiV. Help From a Sea-Witch

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New York. Present-day.

IT TURNED OUT Ursula did live in New York. 

In a cramped apartment where everything seemed to be in one room. With no space for one person to move around comfortably let alone three but there was a fish tank and so Erica busied herself with the swimming fish and tried not to think about how they got there

After her brain engaged and Erica realised that the letter and potion Rapunzel had given her was indeed her way to get Emma back. It was decided then that because of the nature of the letter -- her family was in trouble, shit! She hadn't registered that until she read the letter through thrice, it was Killian's fault really. It was his handwriting  after all and folded in the letter was another letter which was written in code and even though Jaclyn was sure she could decode it they didn't have time to do that 

They had to find Emma and Henry and get back to Storybrooke as fast as possible 

Again they found themselves leaving the Enchanted Forest, luckily Corona was out of the purview of the curse and so they didn't have to worry about outrunning such a thing but they did want to get back as soon as they could to the Land Without Magic and so they said their goodbyes to those they were going to be left behind, Rapunzel, Eugene they had said their goodbyes to and Erica wasn't going to lie, she had tears in her eyes when they pulled away from the hug she was giving to Rapunzel and she might have threatened Eugene to keep Rapunzel safe or she would hurt him...badly.

They hadn't been able to say goodbye to Angelica because the woman had simply vanished, Jaclyn had just shrugged and said Angelica was like that. When it was time to go she just went, she was never one for sentimental goodbyes but like the sea, if they ever needed her she would come back

The rest of the time in the Enchanted Forest was a blur, she remembered them going back to Triton and Calypso asking for a bean and getting a jarful since Calypso had winked at them and said it might come in handy if they ever wanted to go on their own adventures again and Triton had given them Ursula's last known address. They hugged, promising to keep in touch and everything they still had to talk about still hung in the air, choking them 

But they ignored it all for now 

And so here they were, Erica and Jaclyn cramped into Urusla's crappy, rented apartment and trying to ignore the hollow feeling in their guts like a house of cards with one blow that could send the whole thing crashing down 

"I don't know why you're here but honestly I'm kind of glad. It's been a lonely few years"

"You didn't end up trapped in the curse why didn't you?"

"I guess it was my own stupid fault for trying to be a hero anyway a portal to this world opened and I kinda fell into it. Landed in Minnesota but didn't stay there for long and now I got a job at the aquarium. You were lucky you caught me on one of my days off" Ursula told them both with a pointed look "Look I don't know how you got my address since I only gave it to one person so if you're here it must be important"

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