Fourteen: As It Was

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I stood on the hill and watched the group. Erica and Lucas were to my left making Eddie and dutsins speers, Nancy and Max to the right of them were sawing off the barrel to the shotgun Nancy brought, Steve and Robin on my right making vecnas Molotov cocktails... Eddie and Dustin...

We're play fighting. It brought a smile to my face "NO WEDGIES! NO WEDGIES!!" Dustin screams. They stop tussling and Eddie says something to Dustin them glances to me and smiles.

I know Eddie's fate is nearing

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I know Eddie's fate is nearing. And I hope I can stop it. I walk down with my hands tucked into my pockets towards Steve and Robin.

"Hey ah, steve. We need to talk." He looks at me. He's mad, he can barely even look at me.

"Sure." He stands up and we walk back up the hill away from everyone else.

"Look, I'm going to level with you. We aren't all going to make it this time". I say.

"What, we will be fine we always have been"

"No, steve, not this time. I can feel him. Inching closer and closer. I've had visions of you all. I can't help you all".

"What are you saying y/n."

"I'm saying. If it comes to it. And I die. You leave me there. You get Eddie, Dustin and yourself the hell out of there. Don't be heroes."

Steve's eyes tear up. "Y/n.."

"Steve please..." I look down at Eddie. "I can-..I can't let any of you die".

"I won't leave you there".

"Promise me Harrington! Promise me you'll get them out of there!". I yell crying.

Steve pulls me in. "I'm sorry y/n, for everything, I should've chose you, the best I can do, is help you. If it comes to it. I'll get Eddie and Dustin out". I look down at Eddie. His face painted with confusion.

We end the embrace. "I loved you Steve Harrington.. I still do and always will. But Eddie Munson... He was there from the second we met. That's why I chose him. But don't you ever forget.. I always wanted it to be you."

I walk away from Steve in tears down to Eddie.

"Hey hey hey... Princess, hey it's okay". He hugs me and rocks.

"What did he say to you."

"Nothing, I just- told him I choose you." It hurt so much to lie to Eddie. But he couldn't know.


We drop through Eddie's trailer into the Upsidedown and make our way outside

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We drop through Eddie's trailer into the Upsidedown and make our way outside.

Steve turns to Eddie and Dustin.

"Alright if things get too crazy, you get outta there okay. Don't be heroes".

Eddie laughed. "No worries Steve, you can be the hero. I mean look at us...we are not heroes".

"No matter what Eddie. You get Dustin and you get out". I say firmly.

"Sure thing princess... See you on the other side".

"Yeah, on the otherside..." Eddie kisses me and I run off with Steve, Nancy and Robin.

"What happened to staying with them". Nancy asks.

"Trust me Nance. Things will get ugly".

We hear from the distance Eddie start playing, he played master of puppets, my favorite song.

"Nerd." I mutter. The bats fly over our head. "Hold on Eddie". Steve looks at me worried. "It's okay, I'll make it. He'll be okay".

We run to creel house and open the door, vines littered the house. Steve lead the way up the stairs. Nancy followed then robin. The clock chimed. I took a deep breath.

"Guys... Take a deep breath". I say they look at me confused and the vines snap around their ankles pinning them to the walls. The clock continues to chime. I run up the stairs past them into the attic.

Vecna was hung to the ceiling in his trance. "I've got you you piece of shit".

I grab onto his ankle. And go into his mind. El is pinned against the wall and vecna has max in his clutch.


Vecna turns and faces me and laughs. "Your friends have already lost.." I smile. "No.. you have".

I start to pry vecnas fingers away from max. Blood dripping down my nose. El was still pinned. I could hear Mike's voice faintly.


"Y/n? Is that you!"


"What how?!"

Vecna grabs me by the throat with his mind and throws me. I land on my ankle and I feel it snap. Mike is yelling to El and she's fighting her way out.

"HENR-" I hit the floor and look up and see Steve, Nancy and Robin, steve drags me by the jacket out of the way as robin throws the Molotov.

"Y/N! EDDIE STOPPED PLAYING!" Steve yells. "Shit your ankle!".

"FUCK THAT!" I jump up and run out the door, down the stairs and across the street, through the playgrounds and Forest. I see Eddie's trailer in the foreground.

"Eddie!!" . A tornado of bats is surrounding him. I run towards him "EDDIE GET DOWN!".

He drops to the ground, I scream into the middle of the tornado and a surge of energy pulsates out. It takes a few out. Crying I look down at Eddie.

"I love you Eddie.."

"Y/N !!! EDDIE!". Dustin is screaming running towards us. I grab one of the bats tails, they swam me as I run from Eddie and Dustin.

I feel them latching onto my skin and ripping it out. I fall to the ground and scream in pain. I can hear Eddie screaming in the distance for me. Steve is dragging him away towards his trailer. As I watch the door close, I close my eyes.

The sounds and the ripping of flesh stops. I open my eyes and look around to see the remainder of the bats on the ground. My ears are ringing.

"HOLY SHIT!! STEVE HELP!!" I hear Dustin scream. I feel someone land next to me. It's Eddie. Tears fill his eyes as he leans me up and holds me rocking back and forth..

"No no no, WHY WHY DID YOU DO THAT". he screams. I choke on my blood and smile at Eddie.

"She knew.." Steve says with tears in his eyes. "This was meant to be you".


I smile at him. "Eddie..the freak Munson...I choose you.." I look around and see Steve holding Dustin. Nancy and Robin drop to their knees. And Eddie was a snotty mess. I reach for his guitar pick necklace.

"See you on the otherside.."

:Eddie's POV:

"See you on the otherside.." they choke on their blood, I feel their chest stop moving. "Y/n... Y/n please. Wake up..!"

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