Sunday Best

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It's a short one and not my best work but happy reading xx

It's the same family dynamic from 'you've got a friend in me' and 'Kisses', you can find those two fics in this book too xx

Warnings: god so much flufff

You loved Sundays. It was the only day in the week when you could feel relaxed without feeling guilty. It was the only day in the week when you didn't even think of looking at your phone to see if you had a message. It was the only day in the week when your celebrity husband could be with you and your daughter all day without being interrupted.

You loved Sundays.

It was likewise the day when you first met your heart's desire.

It's still undescribable for you the things you felt when you first saw Chris, even to him when he asked you. The feelings couldn't be described because they felt like another person had never written or felt it before. It was unique. The love that only you could feel towards Chris. So special, so remarkable.

When you asked him the same question about what he felt when he saw you for the first time, his answer was the same:

"I can't tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that the rest of the world somehow seemed to vanish when I was with you."

He still surprises you to this day with how good he is with words. It shows how smart he is. Chris could give a speech about biomedical science and you would listen to him for hours. Something in his voice attracts you to him like a magnet. It made you addicted to it over the years. Your favorite is when he uses a particular tone when he talks to your daughter, Aria. The tone of his voice becomes so soft as a fresh blanket, so quiet yet so understandable. Truly magical.

"Okay, Aria. We're going to the park with mommy and Dodger. Remember to never leave daddy's hand, okay?"

It is the most normal sentence in the world, but the way he said it, makes your heart grow bigger.

"Okay, daddy." While Chris helped Aria put her shoes on, you made yourself and Dodger ready. It was a lovely Sunday in Chris' favorite season fall, so he made the best of it before going away for filming.

You put Dodger's leash on and made sure you've got everything when you suddenly noticed that Chris was staring at you.

"What?" you asked shyly with a smile on your face.

"Nothing, you just made me fall in love with you more this morning. I just thought that wasn't possible."

Like ice cream on a sunny day, your heart just melted right when he said those words. In your eyes, Chris was the best poet in the world. Maybe those weren't poets in his head, but in yours, they were.

"Mommy, up please."

Like a wake-up call, Aria woke you up from your daily dreaming about your husband and brought you back to the real world.

"Come here, but I'm just going to carry you to the car, okay? When we are at the park, you're gonna walk by yourself, okay, young lady?"

She smiled and buried her face in your neck like she always does when you carry her. While you were walking to the car with Aria, Chris took Dodger with him and walked toward the same destination as you.

"You know you're just lying, right?"

You turned around with a confused look, not understanding what he meant.

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