Chapter 48: A wound from the past

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Meanwhile, at the Kelutral of the Eastern Fencers,

Malkia's point of view

I couldn't help but admire this beautiful, well-designed body, harmonizing with her fine musculature, being in motion. The sweat from the effort of just harmonized with the grace of her movements.

Her long hair covering the back, highlighting her young concentrated face. Amazing how the latter could give the most carefree smile in the world, and show the determination of a great warrior.

If Father's plan had worked, I wouldn't have complained at all! I felt that this was the man my heart wanted. I could feel it, deep down, and I was sure Pel'say felt the same way about me. But how could I get him to see that? To get close to him, I had to resort to threats. And that was clearly not a good basis. But what option did I have?

My friends didn't understand how I couldn't charm him, considering the carefree way he was acting. Except that she only knew one side of Pel'say. The one he wanted to show, to the eyes of all. But this young warrior was anything but simple!

When you got too close to him, you met a big wall. And that, nobody could know. Fortunately, Nilya, his older sister, was to be the next Tsahik, according to the agreement made with the Menariyä. This seemed to suit her, as she did not complain about it. Perhaps she could help me?

Determined, I left Pel'say to her training to go see Nilya. It was not difficult to spot her, with her particular hairstyle and her red paintings. Added to that, her black outfit.

She seemed to be sitting with her eyes closed. Discreetly, I approached her and couldn't help but be struck by the aura she gave off. She and Pel'say seemed to share a certain charisma, imposing a certain respect. I couldn't help but think how her brother was able to impose himself, without much resistance. He had the aura of a leader and his sister seemed to be the same. Already, she was able to impose herself over the other suitors, without even encountering any complaints. Which surprised me, as much as it impressed me.

Nilya: I am only a warrior among many others, Malkia. I don't have to deserve so much admiration from you.

Me: Nang! Did you know I was here?

Nilya: Your steps are discreet, but not your energy.

She opened her eyes, showing her eyes of such a clear and pure green. No wonder Kiyamek was under the spell!

Me: I'm surprised you didn't get a pass, before Kiyamek.

Nilya: I did. But let's say...I didn't see myself starting a home, before his arrival, and the agreement with my tribe.

Me: Do you like Kiyamek?

She remained silent, but her red cheeks and wagging tail revealed her answer to my question.

Nilya: I can't deny being attracted to him. He's so thoughtful and...handsome. But it's still early to tell.

It's a good thing you don't see yourself in a mirror...

Nilya: Otherwise, the fact that I am from another tribe and that my future union is the result of an agreement between our two clans, have helped to silence the complaints.

Me: You are too modest, Nilya. You and Pel'say have a certain charisma. You are made to lead.

She looked at me, surprised.

Nilya: Really?

I nodded my head.

Me: Pel'say knew how to impose his authority, without meeting great resistance, when Nakia and Father were absent. He was conciliatory and attentive, when it was necessary and severe when the situation required it. You would have seen the face of some of them when they saw this side of him!

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