ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ | 13

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It was after work, and you were at your trailer with Robin. Steve was at the store getting some things for tonight. Robin was cleaning up your trailer as she thought it was completely messy. You picked out a movie for tonight and some popcorn, but you already knew you wouldn't be watching it. Thankfully, Eddie wasn't around at the time. You had high hopes that he would change his mind, but he stated he would be here. After Steve departed to go to the supermarket, it had been about an hour. You two were getting so bored just sitting there,  that you were about to start the movie  without him. A knock on the door was heard.

You sprang off your couch and ran towards the front door shouting, "STEVE!" with joy. You promptly opened it once you arrived and looked into Eddie Munson's eyes.

You disappointedly informed Robin, "Oh, it's not Steve...".

"Booey!", Robin said with a frown.


Eddie could understand how frustrated you were because Steve had all the really wonderful food for the sleepover. You stood at the door and briefly glanced at Eddie before you carefully started to leave and sat back down next to Robin. Eddie entered your trailer and sat down next to you on the couch, which you considered to be unsafe. You had no idea how he would behave tonight, given that you had just roasted him at work. He might act like a total baby and have a bitch fit in front of everyone, or he could grow a pair and start behaving like an adult. To get closer to Robin for protection, you gradually started to sink your body into the couch near her. Robin jumped up in front of you as she heard a second knock on the door and flung open the door to reveal Steve and a lot of bags.

She yelled, "STEVE!"

You quickly moved toward Eddie in order to have a better look at Steve because you couldn't see the door frame well. You started laughing as he was having trouble with the bags. Robin spun around to face you and started pointing with her thumb towards Steve.

She yelled, "It's STEVE!"

You responded with much more excitement, "Yeah, it's Steve!!!!"

Eddie responded, unamused, "Welcome, King Steve..."

You quickly turned your head Eddie's way and sent him an annoyed glance. You complained, "Oh can it, and move over; you're in my personal bubble."

Eddie decided to be a prick and scoot closer to you.

Steve entered the trailer as Eddie was doing this and set all the bags on the kitchen counter. To avoid Eddie as much as possible, you got up from the couch once more, waddled towards Steve, and put your chin on his shoulder to see what he had purchased. Steve had begun to take items out of the bags.  Eddie wasn't too happy about it, and Robin noticed and grinned slightly at him as he threw you two a jealous glance. Robin was very aware of his desires.

Steve gazed at your face and chuckled at your moves as you placed your chin on his shoulder. He then offered you a Slim Jim and gave you a head rub like an older brother. In a fit of enthusiasm, you snatched the Slim Jim from his grip and split the wrapper open right away. You chewed the meat stick thoroughly before giggling.

"My favorite," you enthused.

When Robin saw what you were holding, she scurried over to you and motioned for you to give her a bite. To stop her from taking a large bite, you frowned and shifted your torso away. Eddie saw you two and smiled a little at your childish acts because he never got along with you after middle school. The old y/n he remembered was at last present, and he adored it with all of his heart. Eddie was given a bottle of beer by Steve, who walked over to him. You and Robin were battling for the remaining Slim Jim when Steve sat down on the couch and peered across at you. To catch you and Robin's attention, Steve clapped his hands while chuckling to himself. Steve asked you two, "Calm down children, what are we watching?"

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