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{ Freedom }

Chapter Thirteen: Secrets and GlassWritten By: Indigo ___________________

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Chapter Thirteen: Secrets and Glass
Written By: Indigo

Tw: Suicidal thoughts and actions

The next morning, Mercy had started the day the same way as the last. She started and finished her morning routine as quickly as she could, and made her way to the Greene house.

She stayed with beth for quite a while, watching her carefully, hoping to make out any feature change.
She woke up eventually, which was very exciting to the teen, though she attempted to keep it hidden.

But beth was... different. She seemed sad. With no energy. Mercy assumed she was just upset about her mother, but she started to think it was something else.

Mercy enjoyed Beth's company. The two had only interacted a handful of times, but each time Mercy found out something new. Whether it be about Beth or the world in general.

Aside from the shy Elijah, Beth was the only person near Mercy's age. As well as the only person who didn't treat her like a child.

"Did rick say anything about Glenn when they got back from town?" Maggie asked, cutting up tomatoes.

Mercy had come downstairs a few hours after arriving at the Greene house. She sat on the counter and watched Lori and Maggie make lunch for the camp.

"Just that it had gotten pretty bad," Lori said, moving her to cut up chicken into a pot.

"He's not the same," Maggie added. "He said he froze. Blames me, said I got inside his head," Mercy scoffed inside her mind. She didn't take Glenn as the blaming type. Glenn's always been the one to help take the fall, even if it had nothing to do with him.

"He came back, that's what matters." Lori said firmly, "When we have to do certain things- you know that, and they're either gonna blame the little woman as the reason they do 'em, or the reason they don't" Mercy frowned.

"I'll tell you something- what happens out there happens out there. and we- we're just trying to keep it together till they get back." Lori continues. Maggie leans forward on her forearms,

"Things were good. Maybe I-" Lori cuts her off,

"Glenn's a big boy. He makes his own choices," She says, taking a bite of a cucumber slice. "Do you have anything to apologize for?" She asks softly. Maggie shakes her head. "Tell him to man up and pull himself together," Lori says with a shrug.

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