chapter 3

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Freddy (me): What!? What about him!?

Roxy: he's...he got...

Roxy started crying from the other side of the phone

Freddy (me): Roxy? Please tell me!

Roxy: he got in a car accident,

I froze in fear... A car accident!? I wouldn't believe it...

Freddy (me): IS HE ALRIGHT!?

Roxy: no, he's...dead, his pulse just stopped...I'm sorry f-freddy,

I began to cry and drop on the ground in front of my locker, I tried to hold back my tears but, I couldn't do it...

Roxy: me and chica will be going home... Please be safe Freddy...

I didn't speak but quietly said "okay"

I hung up, I got off the floor and got my stuff, I was still crying, how did it even happen? Then I felt a tap on the shoulder, it was Monty, with girls staring at me and him, they looked jealous,

Monty: you alright?

Freddy (me): yeah...

Monty whispers in my ear not to make the others jealous,

Monty *whisper*: I can walk you home once these girls are off my tail, would you like that?

I nod, Monty then grabbed my hand and ran away from the girls then lost them,

Freddy (me): I didn't know you were gonna book it and run!

Monty:I got away didn't I? Well, let's get you home,

Me and him walked when I told him where I lived and surprisingly he was just a block down away from my house,

Monty: so, mind telling why you were crying?

I looked at Monty shocked that he knew it but, I told him,

Freddy (me): Bonnie, one of our band members, died in a car accident...

Monty: I...I'm sorry...

Freddy (me): it's fine, it was not your fault...

Monty: well, your home... I'm sorry for the loss...

I smile and went inside my house, my parents were not home and on a business trip, both of them so they left me here...

Freddy (me): Bonnie... I...I'm sorry...

I cried for awhile but then fell asleep after awhile...

The next day I got up and got dressed for school, then left, once I got to school i saw chica and Roxy waiting,

Chica: Freddy! Are you alright!

She ran and hugged me,

Roxy: you look tired,

Freddy (me): I barley got any sleep but, I'm fine,

Roxy: I know this is the wrong time but...who is going to replace Bonnie? We need a bass player... I... We need to find one before our next concert...

Chica: Roxypoo that's a month from now!

I looked around and found Monty talking to some girls,

Freddy (me): I know someone who can fill it in...

They both noticed me looking at Monty,

Roxy: No way your thinking of Monty! He is a total cocksucker! He's so rude!

Freddy (me): he walked he home from school yesterday!

Roxy: What!? How!? He is always refusing to do that for anyone!

Freddy (me): well I'ma ask him!

I walked over to him but then a huge crowd of girls so I couldn't talk to him,

Roxy: any luck?

Freddy (me): nope, girls surrounded him... Maybe at lunch, or even after school!

Those didn't work either...he was surrounded by girls, 24/7 I never got a chance, I thinks it's because of them seeing Monty running off with me, I give up, I sat down on a bench outside when classes were over, I then thought about Bonnie, I then noticed a figure walking over to me, it was...Monty!?

Freddy (me): Monty!? What are you doing here?

Monty: I noticed throughout the days you were trying to get my attention, I actually escaped those girls, but anyway, I'm sorry about Bonnie, again,

Freddy (me): it's fine,

Monty: so, why were you trying to get my attention?

I then look at him,

Freddy (me): well since Bonnie is...gone...I...was wondering if you could...fill his spot...

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