Chapter 26

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It was weekend the next day. Lu Meifeng recovered her mind . She then went back to spending her time with her children.

Since her son won two competitions at school. Lu Meifeng asked what Shao Boya wants as a gift. However, when Shao Boya heard this. He didn't ask for anything for himself, and instead wished to go out with the family. It doesn't matter wether they go to eco park or mall, as long as they bond with each other and spend the time to be happy, it's fine for him.

When the word going out was heard by a certain little girl. Shao Yu's head immediately popped out from behind the room's door upstairs.

" Did I just hear we're going out?~ "

Hearing Shao Yu's milky voice. Lu Meifeng laughed and nodded. " Alright, let's go out and feed the little Doves in the park. "

" Doves!!! " Shao Yu immediately stepped out of the room and excitedly climb down the stairs.

" We're going out?!! We're going out!!! Yey! "

Shao Yu bounced up and down in excitement and raised her arms as she runs around the living room. Shao Yu's excitement brought an indulgent smile upon Lu Meifeng's lips.

Shao Yu is so excited she immediately picked up her clothes to wash up and change. " We're going out~ we're going out~ "

Shao Yu's voice resounded throughout the entire house while singing in the bathroom.

" Ah Yu is so excited... " Lu Meifeng speechlessly muttered.

Shao Boya shook his head and said. " Shao Yu's life was all about school, home and starvation. She never had experience going out to park before. Let her be. "

Lu Meifeng waved her hand around and nonchalantly walked into her bedroom. " Alright, you're the one who knows it all. "

" Shao Boya, prepare yourself. We're going out."

Shao Boya nodded.

He went inside his room first to choose suitable clothes but when he checked his closet. He realized that he actually has no good clothes for going out. Most of his clothes are his uniforms in school, and the ones he's using on weekends were already worn out.

Basically, he has no casual clothes for going out.

Shao Yu and Lu Meifeng went back to the living room, ready to go out. But when they saw Shao Boya descending downstairs with such worn out clothes with dulled color. Lu Meifeng's face distorted in pain for her son's lack of material needs.

She has also realized how irresponsible she was for neglecting his son.

" Son, maybe we should go to the mall first before going to the park. " Lu Meifeng suggested and patted Shao Boya's collar.

Shao Boya was wearing a white t shirt that is now yellowish in color. It may have been ironed, but it clearly looks small when worn by him, now that he has grown slightly bigger from before.

Lu Meifeng could no longer remember when she had brought this t shirt before, and it makes her feel so sad for her eldest son.

" Don't worry son, mom's gonna buy you new clothes. " Lu Meifeng comforted Shao Boya and ruffled his hair.

Shao Yu beside her also nodded. " Don't worry too brother, I'm going to choose the best looking clothes for you. "

Hearing her silly remarks, Shao Boya chuckled and shook his head. " Fool, good looking clothes are expensive. "

Lu Meifeng flicked Shao Boya's forehead. " Silly, there is  nothing expensive when it comes to you. You deserve to be gifted. You won two gold medals, I am a cruel mom, if I don't even buy you new clothes. "

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