Chapter 103 - A Sick Cruel Joke

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Hizashi had just finished his podcast and was about to head home when one of his helpers come up to him, "Oh, sir! Someone is here to come home with you!"

"Uh, what?" Hizashi questions with a raised eyebrow. It's midnight, and there is a decent amount of snow outside. Who in their right mind would come for him today of all days? He knows it's not anyone bad if they are letting them in, but who would it be? The only person who would make sense is Shouta, but he's not off patrol until two.

"He came and waited for you until the podcast finished." A guy, huh?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have finished earlier if I had known he's been here a while." If he came to wait on him, it's a little concerning.

"He specifically asked me not to. You better get going. He's waiting on the couch in the waiting area. We'll cover from here!"

Hizashi gives his helper a smile, "Thank you."

Hizashi packs his stuff quickly and slips by his helper to see who the person waiting for him is. He can't help but be curious. Who would go this far out to talk to him?

When he enters the room, imagine his shock when he sees Izuku curled up on the couch. He would have have Shouta's backup scarf and one of Nemuri's biggest and fluffiest jackets on. However, Hizashi's attention is on Izuku's face. He looks very stressed.

What is going on? It must be bad if Izuku went through his personal hell called winter to be here.

Izuku hears Hizashi come in and gives him a slightly-off smile, "Hey, bitch."

Hizashi rolls his eyes at him, but he switches to concern quickly, "Are you okay? Not that I don't appreciate you visiting, but considering the out there..."

Izuku shrugs, "I could be worse I suppose."

"Then why didn't you call Shouta or Nemuri? One of them was literally in the same building as you."

"I didn't want to distract him and Nemuri is sleeping. It's not a big deal," Izuku stands up and goes to his side, and Hizashi realizes that the kid is very cold.

Hizashi wraps an arm around Izuku and brings him to his side, "Did you walk here?"

"Uh, no? I teleported."

"That's a lie."

"Then yes I did."

"That was not a smart move. You know neither of them wouldn't mind you interrupting them no matter what it is."

"And if I wanted the most emotionally sane person of the group?"

"You know what? Fair," Hizashi steps outside with the boy and brings him to his car, "So what brought you out here?"

"...I just wanted company."

Hizashi doesn't believe it is a lie, but it isn't the whole truth either. However, he can't force Izuku to spill that. Izuku will hopefully tell him when the time comes before it's too late.

For now, Hizashi will give the company that Izuku wants.

- - -

Where in the actual fuck am I? Why is it dark? Is this a prank or something?

"What an interesting plot twist," I hear from what seems like in front of me.

Then, the place lightens up a little bit, a little bit meaning only in front of me. With the light, I see two figures in front of me. One of them is a bit blurry with some yellow and green, but the other one I can tell simply by the suit and only tan color. Are you fucking kidding me?

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