Part 15

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You had waited till the sun had set and your watched Ed and lori leave the hospital once they drove away you walked In you walked up to the front desk and asked the guy who looked like he wasn't paying attention "excuse me do you know where the bathroom is?" he didn't even look. At you..

"to the left" he just about said

You looked over the desk while his back was turned and saw loris papers you looked and bingo! Arnes transfer room. You quickly made your way over to his transfer room and quickly slid through the door locking it from the other side. All the curtains were already closed and you saw Arne sat up staring at you... But it wasn't him it was that thing..

His eyes white skin Pale no. Emotion what so ever.. You walked over.. He was strapped to the bed so he couldn't hurt. You.

He tilted his head..
"I know your in there...I love you please come back.. I know you didnt mean to do what you did, please. "
He started shaking his head..

You put your hand on his. His skin was like ice..
You felt like the room got louder things started to get launched across place to place his head started to move more rapidly ..

He started to scream loudly his voice sounded distorted almost... .

Everythimg was happening to fast doctors started to bang on the door "Arne what's going on in there, don't worry we are trying to get in!"

You saw your chance.. Its now or never..

You felt your heart jump and you grabbed your necklace and yanked it off Your neck "TAKE ME.." you shouted back at Arne

"take me" you whispered again Arnes head stopped shaking and his vile scream stopped his head flopped like the life had been sucked out of him...

You stood there waitin for something to happen then everyhing went black you felt cold... You started to shiver you could see but it was like you were stood in darkness.. You walked around shouting hello but only your echo came back to you... until you fell Back into reality the cold shivers dissappeared you knew that wouldn't be the last of that thing now it's got you but all that matters now is Arne

You saw Arne laying unconscious the room hadnt moved it was like it didnt even happen.. You grabbed your necklace off the floor quickly stuffing it in your pocket and hiding in the toilet in Arnes room while the doctors come in..

"he must of been having a nightmare"

"Arne?" they shake him Awake

"yeah?" he says in a exhausted tone.. He looked confused..

"you doing ok?"

He nods

"well alright"
and they leave the room..

You push the bathroom Door open and run back to him "Arne everything is going to be Ok.. We did it!" You hold his hand smiling. his now warm hands.. Thank god.

"what.. What's going on?" he tried to move...

"you.. Well it wasn't you threatened a doctor but your alright now.." you quickly rambled at him

"Ed and Lori they?" he asked with his eyes lit up..

You had to lie Bout it and figure something out later "yes everyhing fine you should be out of here tomorrow hopefully they signed some paper work. To get you out . I'm not supposed to be here right now.. But I'll Be back tomorrow ok" you quickly kiss him and stand back up

"yeah wait.. Y/n"

You were about to leave "yes?"

"I love you"

His words took you back "I love you too" you smiled

He giggled "if i could I would bring you in for a sloppy one right now but I'm kinda stra-"

You knew what he meant and kissed him it was deep and passionate both your tongues searching eachotherd mouths knowing its pleasing both of you... You both missed eachother and the peace. You pulled back and kissed him on his forehead you could tell he wanted more.. You smiled" save this for tomorrow...when you can actually move" you giggled and left the room...

You quickly left the hospital and
The dread started to kick in how you were supposed to actually tell him what happened you didn't know were to start.. And ed and Lori.. Would not be proud you did it this way but you just wanted Arne to be safe...

Arne Johnson x reader {devil made me do it} Where stories live. Discover now