Fighting a figure

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I pulled out my sword as I saw the silent guy from the other battle.


I jumped to the air as I then tried to strike the silent guy with my sword, only for our swords to collide causing a spark.

He then turned my body blue as I was then flung away to a house but I stopped myself by using my magic to make myself blue.

I then looked at him as I saw him looking at another direction as I then saw a fireball coming at him.

He blocked the fireball with ease as he looks at the culprit, I look as well as I see SS Asriel.

SS Asriel: Stop, this human

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SS Asriel: Stop, this human.

He then put his hand out as fire began to spread through his hand as he aimed at SS Asriel but before he could shoot off the attack vines spread through his body and pulled his arm away.

SS Chara: You know, I don't really like you trying to hurt my brother.

I look to see SS Chara holding a red knife some vines that was on her leg a bit.

I then rushed the figure as I set my hands on fire as the fire then spread to my sword. I swung at him as he then pulled out a sword and blocked my strike.

I then barraged him with flurry's of attacks with my sword. He blocked a lot of my attacks as I did a final swing making the figure dodge to the side but I managed to cut his cheek.

I back up. The figure touches his cheek feeling his blood running down.

He then looked at me as he smirked.

It gave me shivers.

He then blitzed towards me as I got ready to go on the defensive I then felt a breeze brush past me. I turned around to see the figure about to kill SS Asriel. My eyes widened in fear.

Velocity stage 1

I was then in front of SS Asriel as my sword blocked the figure's. The figure looked at me in surprise as I then kicked the figure as hard as I can. He then was sent flying as he was knocked into the air.

I then blitzed behind him and grabbed his leg as I then threw him to the ground. As he collided to the ground making a crater I put my hands up as then shot flames above me making me speed to the ground, I then slammed my body to his back making the crater bigger.

I got up as I looked at the figure.

I then grabbed his head.

(Y/N): Hell's Inferno...

My hand then blasted out a black and red flame to the figure's head. As the flames kept hitting his head and burning his face I felt something.

I then quickly turned off my flames and moved away from the figure. I then dodged to the side, avoiding a white beam. I looked to the source and saw UT Sans but his hood was up.

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