Reunited Like Before

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The sky turned darker as moment passed. As the sun slowly sank below the horizon, the moon itself is wide awake, ready to do its role to our planet.

The stars are twinkling brighter than ever, as if they knew that something joyful will be held tonight. Well, they're absolutely right.

"Amato, can you please arrange the table?" asked an elder to his son named Amato.

"Sure thing, Aba." The said boy gladly obeyed his father's order. Tok Aba smiled before turning to the current elemental user, who's preparing a jug of orange juice, which is Boboiboy's favourite drink after Tok Aba's Hot Chocolate.

"Boboiboy, if you're done with the drink, please come here and help me to serve our course for tonight."

A 16 year old boy, with a white streak of hair in his brilliant chocolate hair, looked at Tok Aba. He nodded at his beloved grandfather.

"Yes, Atok. Ochobot, can you please pour this into our glasses?"

The said power sphere nodded, grabbing the jug containing the sweet and a little bit sour orange drink, before disappearing behind the curtains.

Boboiboy walked closer to his grandfather. "What can I help?" He asked, immediately receiving a bowl of chicken curry from Tok Aba.

"Please serve this on the table." Tok Aba smiled gently at his grandson. Boboiboy nodded before walking away, as Tok Aba reminded him one last time.

"Careful! It's piping hot!"

"Sure thing!"

Tok Aba smiled. He took out a plate of fresh slices of watermelon from the refrigerator. He closed the door gently, before walking towards their dining table.

"Mechabot! Don't eat that curry puff first! Wait for Aba!"

He can hear Amato's shout. His partner in crime is probably eating the curry puffs again. He chuckled softly.

"Some things never change.."


As soon as they're all gathered together, they officially began their dinner. Mechabot stole almost all of the curry puffs to himself which caused Amato to smack him.

"You metallic junk! Don't eat all of that by yourself!

Mechabot stuck out his robotic tongue at his owner. "Bleek! You're just jealous that I can eat a lot of curry puffs here! The best thing is, there's still a lot in the refrigerator so I can eat as much as I want to!"

Amato made an annoyed noise which earned a giggle from his son.

"Dad, both of you will never change, will ya?"

Amato smiled. Seeing his son's laughter, his father's comforting smile, really makes him happy. It's been years since they last did this dinner together. Amato vowed to always treasure this memory till the day of his death.

"Enough about us. What 'bout ya, kiddo? Anything interesting happened to you? Did you help Aba?"

Aba smiled. He sent a grateful look at the orange boy. "Boboiboy here is a great help. He wakes up early almost every morning and even helps me with my cocoa delivery."

"What do you mean 'almost'?" Mechabot interjected.

"Sometimes he will sleep in until 5:45 a.m. And it's up to me to make sure he actually wakes up and go to school." Ochobot said.

Boboiboy looked at Ochobot. "Well, I can wake up on my own most of the time." he said with a full mouth.

"Boboiboy, manners." Amato scolded him with a gentle tone. Boboiboy didn't reply at all, but he knew he got the message as he started to chew properly.

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