Chapter 7 - Labels and Lies

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Chapter 7 - Labels and Lies

"Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not deceive each other" Leviticus chapter 19 verse 11.

Jem-Lyndra Lattibeaudi​​ere was not real, at least the name was not real. Jem was gone, and her wicked piece-of-a-mother too. I told Mrs. Latts that she should visit Mr. Bobby Robin to see if he knew of any other family member that Sonia could be living with, but based on the fact that everyone knew of Mr. Bobby Robins's wrongdoings, Mrs. Latts strongly declined.

I believe if I'm not mistaken that about two months later Sonia was back at the bar, she said she was just passing through, and I had sent to call her to speak to her about what had happened to baby Jem. As bold as ever Sonia told me that she had sold the baby to an English lady who could not have any children and that the baby was now living in London and she had received a hefty payday of 200,000 shillings for the baby. I was shocked out of my wits, not only because she told me this without remorse, but what came from her mouth afterward.

Sonia then told me how I was the one who gave her this idea and as such why I was surprised at her actions. She made it clear that I was to tell Mrs. Latts that Nathan and her family would never see the baby again. Sonia went as far to tell me that if Nathan thought she was going to leave the baby for him "idiot gal" to look after he was making a sad mistake! After saying all of this she left my stoop as proud as a peacock.

I did indeed pass on the message to Mrs. Latts who then gave the message to her son. I could see the look of anguish and disappointment on her face, but she said thank you and left. I thought about what Sonia had told me for days and for some reason it just did not sit well with me. For one, if Sonia had collected so much for the baby, why was she still looking so broken down and low, and to add to that her attitude was very off. So I sent for Lisa to come to see me, as I knew she would be able to summarise the situation for me.

Lisa arrived and told me reluctantly of how Sonia had confided in her that she did not sell baby Jem and in fact, she had given baby Jem to a lady by the name of Marcia, from Wallenford. Wallenford was two hours out of Village Heights. Marcia was a Barista, who was well known and very affluent, but with everything going on in her life Marcia just could not get pregnant and so she was happy to take Jem off Sonia's hands. The deal was for Marcia to keep baby Jem until Sonia got back on her feet, and at that time she would return for baby Jem. The joke, however, was on Sonia because Marcia fell in love with baby Jem, and with her being an attorney, she changed baby Jem's name and legally adopted baby Jem. And just like that Jem-Lyndra was no more and Delyssia Johnson was born.

Sonia did not think her plan through and just like that - the only child she was intent on keeping, no longer belonged to her. My ears were in disbelief at what I was hearing from Lisa. I was uncertain if this required sympathy or joy. On one hand, Jem or Delyssia was now in a stable and affluent home - open to the best things life had to offer, but on the next Sonia was bamboozled.

I didn't even know if this was even my business to worry about, but I was having mixed feelings. Just like that Sonia had lost her fifth child, due to lies, lies, and more lies. Labels for Sonia were, Idiot, Dog walker, Whore, smuggler, bar rat, and walking orphanage. The things I heard people call Sonia were unbelievable.

It is unfortunate to tell you that word went back to Nathan and his family and Nathan vowed he would kill Sonia for what she had done, and with that, it seemed to me that Sonia was now losing her mind. The last time I saw her she was walking the streets of Top Village with a bundle of cloth, claiming it as her baby. I could not bear to see her like that and so a group of us came together and had her admitted to the same psych hospital as her mother. Sonia spent six months there and was released.

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