Locker #68

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"Stupid lock," you cursed at your stubborn locker. This seriously had to be the worst locker in the whole school considering it only opened half the time. On top of that when it did open, insulting notes flew out from who you can only assume is Billy's fresh cunt of the week. Billy would never spend his time writing these silly notes himself, no. He'd just convince any dumb whore he could get his hands on that you were a bitch and they'd do his dirty work themselves.

"Leftover's." You read upon finally getting the locker to budge. Two weeks is all it took for this insufferable dickhead to perish your name. Not that it was good in the first place but none the less. The vacancy of 'king of the school' only made it easier for him too.

By the time you decided to ball up the stupid note Billy was already at your side in his locker. #69. How fitting for such a tool like himself.

"Keep your whores away from my locker dipshit." You snapped at him turning and throwing the note at him bouncing off his denim jacket.

"Sure thing princess." He smirked turning to the girl next to him at locker #70.

You saw her gaze and perfect smile turn to him as soon as he gave her his attention. He grabbed onto her waist pulling her in as he leaned his back onto his locker.

"I think this little bitch here had a problem with the sweet note you wrote. Maybe you could sort that out?" He mocked pointing to you with his thumb as he kept his eyes on her. She snapped her head towards you, her smile falling into a snobbish expression you could've laughed at. She scoffed rolling her eyes before slipping out Billy's grip and getting in your face leaving him to watch from behind.

You stood there unfazed not even listening to her words as she began barking her nonsense at you. Entire minutes passed of you staring into her blabbing mouth before you glanced behind her realizing Billy had snuck off now talking to another girl across the hall.

"Okay." You said smirking leaving her dumbfounded at your lack of engagement. It took a minute for her to finally follow your stare back to who she thought was her 'one and only' talking to some other girl. As she stomped off you sighed grabbing your things, shutting your locker and walking to class instead of sticking around for the show.

Billy x reader enemies to lovers Where stories live. Discover now