25 | arson

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November 7th, 2005 -  12:22 p.m.

''You sure you want to go?'' Y/n couldn't help but ask as she walked alongside Chifuyu.

''It's not like I have a choice. Mom said she understands, but I can't miss out too much school.''

A week has passed since Baji Keisuke's death. Today was the first day Chifuyu was going back to school after the accident - against his will, of course, so Y/n was worried.

''It's okay, though,'' Chifuyu reassured her, wrapping his fingers around hers. ''Maybe it'll do me some good to be out of the house.''

Y/n nodded, though reluctantly. ''If you're sure.''

''By the way,'' Chifuyu suddenly spoke, realizing something. ''Why're you going to school so late? No council meeting today?''

A chill ran down her spine. ''No, there isn't.'' There probably was, but she wasn't in the council anymore. In fact, she hasn't seen the council since she quit as she's been avoiding them actively since then. And she hasn't told Chifuyu since it wasn't a big deal anyway. He had enough on his plate as it is.

It was quiet as the two ate their lunches. It was too quiet and neither of them liked it. Usually, Baji would be sitting at the side of the desk and talking about something neither Y/n or Chifuyu cared about, like committing arson.

Both of them wished Baji could be there to commit arson.

''L/n, there you are!''

Y/n sighed as she looked up from her lunch and towards the door - there stood President Shirogane and Chika, both of them panting.

''Y/n! Have you been avoiding us?'' Chika whined as she walked over to Y/n and shook her shoulders, completely ignoring Chifuyu, who was looking at the three in confusion.

''L/n, you can't just quit in the middle of the school year like that!'' Shirogane approached as well, causing Chifuyu to furrow his eyebrows.

''Y/n, what-''

''I don't care. According to Kaguya, I'm not up to the job, so I quit. Find someone else.''

''Y/n, I don't know what Kaguya said to you, but you shouldn't listen to her! Please, you have to come back, you're the only fun person around!'' Chika said, ignoring the hurt look Shirogane sent her way.

''Fujiwara is right, you have to come back. It's not the same without you.'' Shirogane said.

''I said I'm not coming back. Can't you respect that?'' Y/n stood up from her seat to face Shirogane and Chika, biting the inside of her lip so she wouldn't scream at them - it wasn't their fault, really, she just felt very irritated that all of this was happening in front of Chifuyu and he would question her about it later. ''I'm leaving, end of story. Leave me alone, please.''

Before any of them could say anything, Y/n had picked up her bag and made her way out of the room. ''Y/n!'' Chifuyu quickly packed both of their lunches and shoved them in his bag, running past disappointed Shirogane and a crying Chika, not sparing them a glance as he tried to find Y/n among the crowd.

''Goddamit, Y/n,'' Chifuyu muttered under his breath as he continued forward, trying to think of where she could have possibly gone.

After about twenty minutes and asking a few people, Chifuyu finally opened the door of the roof, sighing in relief when he noticed Y/n sitting on the ground next to the door. ''Y/n,'' he breathed out, causing her to look up at him for a moment before looking back down.

''Sorry I didn't tell you.''

Chifuyu closed the door and took a seat next to her. ''It's okay.'' He looked at her as she looked at her shoes. ''When did you quit?''

''The first day after I came back,'' she admitted. So a day after the funeral.

Chifuyu picked up her hand from her knee and held it in his. ''Do you want to tell me what happened?''

Y/n stayed silent for a moment. She didn't want to put even more on his plate, especially since it partially concerned Baji. Then again, if she didn't tell Chifuyu, she didn't know who else she could tell. ''Kaguya was being a bitch towards Baji.''

Chifuyu's eyes widened slightly. He bit the inside of his lip, trying not to yell. ''What?'' He asked as calmly as possible.

''She's a bitch to everyone, so I normally wouldn't mind, but she crossed the line.'' Y/n tipped her head back, leaning on the wall behind her. ''It was just the last straw for me.''

''Why didn't you tell me?'' Chifuyu asked, his voice quiet.

''Didn't wanna bother you with it.'' Y/n closed her eyes, speaking again before he could. ''I know you're gonna say that I should come to you if something is bothering me, but now really wasn't the time. I don't really care, anyway. I'm not going back there, as much as Shirogane and Chika are going to complain.''

Chifuyu nodded and leaned his head on her shoulder. A moment later, she leaned hers on his as well, and the two sat in silence. Y/n's phone beeped and she took it out of her pocket, seeing Chika calling her. For the nth time for the last few days, she pressed the red button and pocketed her phone again.

''You know,'' Chifuyu broke the silence after a while. ''If Baji were here and knew of how horrible Kaguya has been, he'd probably do something really fucked up.''

''Oh?'' Y/n asked with a light laugh. ''Like what?''

''Probably set something on fire,'' Chifuyu answered honestly. ''We can do something bad to her as well. Not as bad as Baji would've, but it'll still be funny.''

''Hm, I like that idea.'' Y/n nodded and straightened up so the two can face each other. ''What do you have in mind?''

''Well,'' Chifuyu chuckled as he thought about it. ''I have this can of cat food that Peke J refuses to eat - it can really be put to good use.''

Y/n laughed at Chifuyu's suggestion. ''That's so childish, Fuyu.'' Y/n placed a hand on his shoulder, a smile tugging on her lips. ''I love it. We're going to school earlier tomorrow, yeah?''

i told the stars about you | matsuno chifuyu x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now