CHAPTER 2 - Rose

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AFTER sipping the black coffee and gagging enough to concern Luca, I knew it would take a lot for today to turn out alright.

I downed more of the nastiest drink ever so Luca's money wouldn't go to waste. The two pounds it cost meant nothing to him, but the importance and value of every penny had been ingrained in my head since I was young. Another reason his friends weren't my biggest fans, my family's wealth was very recent.

At Durham Grammar, where we strived for excellence in everything we did, there was a hierarchy. The school was founded in the late 1700s after a bored, random Lord decided to change his abandoned castle into a school for boys. Eventually it became mixed, but only for a certain class of people.

The filthy rich.

Based on its history, the hierarchy was as follows: old money students, who were the majority. New money students, which I was fortunate enough to belong in. Then the staff, including the cleaners and dinner ladies. Lastly, the scholarship kids.

Everyone avoided the last group, and if they weren't being avoided they were being picked on. It was very unfortunate, and their treatment was one the school turned a blind eye to. But some students, such as I, ignored the hierarchy and interacted with everyone because money was money and we were there to receive education, not flaunt our wealth.

As we arrived at the old, stone school I couldn't help but feel relief and excitement. Other than looking pretty, (which Luca constantly emphasised the importance of) learning was one thing I excelled at.

I walked slightly in front of my three companions, immediately smiling when I caught my fellow classmates' eyes. The hallway was packed as usual, students bustling around in a blur of dark blue and white. The shaded windows didn't provide much light, or ventilation, so there was a constant musky scent in the air. Murmurs and laughter filled the air as everyone caught up about their summer break.

"Hey Fallon! How's it going?" Someone called out. I turned to my left to see one of my classmates, Alice, walking with a friend. Lincoln and Tay immediately went ahead, mumbling something about morning assembly, but Luca stuck by next to me. I paid them no mind.

"As good as it can be this early. How were the Maldives?"

"My best holiday yet!" Was her eager response and the end to our short conversation, as Luca was nudging me to move on.

I smiled at Alice, waving as I walked past her. Catching the eyes of lower classmen, I nodded at them when they waved shyly, ignoring Luca's irritated sigh behind me.

"Hey, Fallon." The shorter Year 11 greeted with a small smile. I mirrored his expression.

"Tim, Jonathan. Good summer?"

Jonathon's eyes widened. "You remember our names?"

I gave him a funny look. "Of course, you two were my best Maths students last year-" They both groaned at the mention of the unpopular subject. "-And I'm planning to follow up your progress this year, so study hard."

"Yes, Miss Student Body President." Tim said sarcastically with a salute.

"Not yet." I replied to the title and with a wave Luca and I moved past them. I was stopped three more times before my boyfriend lost patience and dragged me towards the assembly hall. We found Lincoln and Tay already seated at the very back and moved towards them.

"Got held up?" Linc asked Luca but shot me a knowing, and slightly accusatory look.

"Fallon insisted on greeting practically everyone." Luca groaned, falling back into his seat. I shrugged delicately, lowering myself next to him.

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